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    The Importance of Music in Our Daily Lives Essay

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    Music is considered as a popular entertainment way for all people in worldwide. It is very easy to recognize that they listen to music for different reasons and at different times. The reason why music plays an important role in people’s life is also good for physical and mental I health. Firstly, music also has a calming effect on the physical health. A study was performed in the participants, who had an average age of fifty, were recruited from pain and chiropractic tic clinic in the USA.

    Dividing them into two groups, the doctors encouraged the first to listen t o their favorite kinds of music every day, but the other did not. At the end of the trial, Dry Sided Aleck, one of the doctors did this research, said that, “our result shows that listening to muss ICC had a statistically significant effect on the experimental group, reducing pain, depression, a ND disability and increasing feelings of power. ” A more powerful aspect of music is that it profoundly affects mental health.

    Nowadays s, it is easy for people to get stress and pressure because of nature forces from the inside o r outside world. Music is the most popular entertainment way to decrease stress and improve anxiety and depression. In fact, music is helpful to promote sleep or relaxation. Previous Reese arch by Professor Good and Huh Ling La’, published in 2005, showed that listening to foreteller minutes of soft music before bedtime can improve sleep by more than a third.

    In add action, according to other research, music can help people eliminate stress and pressure aft era hard work day. In conclusion, music is very important to many people. There are many researches an d real evidences to point out that listening to music every day is good for physical and meet al health indeed. Bothersome, there are also many kinds of music, such as Pop, Rock, Classical, Blue, Disco… Therefore, you have many choices to choose what music you IL eke best to relax , to enjoy, especially to practice if you wanted to be a musician. Deed

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Importance of Music in Our Daily Lives Essay. (2017, Dec 09). Retrieved from

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