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    The Importance of Metaphors in Poetry Essay

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    It is important to have metaphors in poetry because the reader can then see what the poet means and feels. A metaphor is a comparison between two unlike things that have something in common. A metaphor helps the writer create a verbal picture that helps the reader to see ideas more clearly. It helps the writer convey his or feeling more strongly. Typically, a metaphor asserts that one thing is another or suggests that the one acts like the other In some way. In the poem, Swan Song, the author calls the mast of the Gillette a “crazy metronome cutting the air. A metronome helps a muscular keep exact tempo by the licking metal arm that moves back and forth. This helps the reader see how the Gillette looks In the water. The title of the poem supports the Idea of a repeated metaphor related to music. A swan Is known to sing Just before It dies. It Is also been said that a swan song Is the farewell appearance of a performer who Is retelling. The man on the rock can be seen and understood as the audience, watching the two fisherman perform their last farewell.

    A metaphor has the power to call up impressive visual images. In the poem, T-Bar, the poet describes the mountain scene by calling it “hemophilic snow. ” A oenophiles is a person who bleeds easy causing them to look pale or white. So the reader now gets a visual picture of what the mountain looks like. The poet describes the skiers that are riding up the t-bar to “Somnambulists. ” A Somnambulist is a sleepwalker. The poet illustrates the skiers as a bride and groom. He does this so we verbally see what that would look like.

    A metaphor has the power to stir feelings. The Ice-floes is another poem where the author uses metaphor. He describes the seal hunters racing across the ice after the baby seals as traveling with “the speed of hounds on a caribou’s track” By doing this t adds to the intensity of the situation or to engage our emotions. The author illustrates “the night had swallowed all signals, the whistle, the flare and the smoke. ” The hunters felt that all help was gone or was swallowed by the night.

    In all three poems, the author illustrates to us the use of metaphors. The authors have taken each poem and given us Information with which he compared what was happening with the look of the surroundings. They are full and rich In Information which Is needed to fully understand the experience of what Is happening In each poem. Metaphors are often rich In symbols, complex and full of meaning. They come from the unconscious and describe In full detail that unconscious experience. They carry Information between symbols and the meanings symbols.

    Each symbols can be unique to that Individual experience as seen here In each poem. The Importance of Metaphors in Poetry By bigness suggests that the one acts like the other in some way. Metronome cutting the air. ” A metronome helps a musician keep exact tempo by the Gillette looks in the water. The title of the poem supports the idea off repeated metaphor related to music. Swan is known to sing Just before it dies. It is also en said that a swan song is the farewell appearance of a performer who is retiring. Eve taken each poem and given us information with which he compared what was happening with the look of the surroundings. They are full and rich in information which is needed to fully understand the experience of what is happening in each poem. Metaphors are often rich in symbols, complex and full of meaning. They come from the unconscious and describe in full detail that unconscious experience. They carry information between symbols and the meanings symbols. Each symbols can be unique to that individual experience as seen here in each poem.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Importance of Metaphors in Poetry Essay. (2018, Jan 12). Retrieved from

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