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    The Importance of International Music and Traditional Music Essay

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    The importance of international music and traditional music is a problem of controversy. Some people think traditional music is more important than international music while others claims the opposite thing. I think two kinds of music have the same importance because of the following reasons. First of all, the aim of music is to satisfy people. Somebody are interested in international music, somebody are not, but they listen to music to find feelings for them, and both kinds of music can bring it to them. In addition, listening to different kinds of music can help people find the new hobbies, it should be helpful for people’s soul-life.

    Secondly, music is one of the symbols of every culture and international music is the symbol of cultural integration. When you listen to some kinds of love songs, you can think about France, while other listen to rap, hippo… They thinks about US-I-J. International music and traditional music have the same symbol-value. Beside, in education, learning about traditional music can help student understand about their country. For example, learning music about wars can help student know more about history while learning folk songs, students can understand and love the real life more and more.

    However, earning international music is the way to reach the world and Join new community. Both kinds of music have education-value too. Finally, misunderstanding in the importance of its can cause risks. For instance, the generation gap can make adult dislike international music, or some crazy fan of K-pop in Viet Name broke culture. In conclusion, I claim that two kinds of music have the same importance, and our duty is to study how to learn, how to listen, how to feel and how to understand the value of them, rather than comparing between two kinds of music The Importance of International Music and Traditional Music By manhandling

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    The Importance of International Music and Traditional Music Essay. (2017, Dec 09). Retrieved from

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