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    The Hobby of Oil Painting Essay

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    I think everyone should have a hobby, they can provide mental and physical stimulation, make the young feel older and the old feel younger, they can be silly or challenging, or just help pass the time. The important thing is that all of them are beneficial in some way. We all usually try several through the years and then most people find one in particular that becomes a permanent part of their lives my favorite is oil painting. I enjoy oil painting because it doesnt discriminate; it relieves stress, builds self-esteem, and boosts creativity and imagination.

    Oil painting doesnt discriminate against anyone. Youve heard the saying from eight to eighty, well even a two year old can paint and eighty is still young in the art circles. It doesnt matter what nationality or race you may be. There are blind artists some that paint with their teeth and others with their feet, so obviously disabilities wont stop someone who wants to participate. You can believe in God, Mohammed or Buddha it really doesnt matter as long as you have the desire.

    There are several ways that oil painting can benefit someone. Relieving stress becomes easy when youre painting. The stress of making a living in the world of employment today can be overwhelming. Oil painting as a hobby requires very little concentration you dont need to worry if something happens accidentally because that is what painting is about. If you choose to throw paint at your canvas its perfectly acceptable, so painting can be like playing just have fun regardless of the outcome its your choice there are no rules to follow and very few guidelines like dont eat the paint or drink the thinner other than those you have complete control. Thats why one of the benefits of painting is after a long day at work you can pick up a brush and start painting that bouquet of flowers on the table or a scene that reminds you of grandmas farm or fishing with dad down at the old pond, the next thing you know the stress and frustrations of the day have disappeared and your left feeling life is good.

    Oil painting can make you feel good about other things too. When you have worked on a composition for days, weeks or months and suddenly you realize theres nothing more to do but sign your name you have mixed emotions. Have I missed anything, should I have done this or that different. Most of all, its surprising how good you feel about yourself when you complete a painting. Oil painting is challenging, and lets you become as good as you want to be.

    When you finish a composition in most cases you cant wait to start another, because of the pride you feel when you hang it on the wall. Every time you attempt a new subject or technique and finish that painting its like getting an A on your report card when you were a kid. Every time someone asks if you painted that, you almost beam with pride when you tell him or her yes. Oil painting is fun and gives you a feeling of accomplishment when you finish a composition; it makes you feel good, builds up your self-esteem and boosts your ego, as well as other things.

    After you have been painting for some time and you start to become comfortable with different subjects, techniques and styles you soon start experimenting. Then after you get a few paintings under your belt your imagination and creativity starts to flow. At first it starts with small details like a brush stroke or using a paint knife instead of a brush to paint your composition. Then you become bolder and you paint things in abstract or make green trees but its okay because its your world and that makes it right. The more you experiment the more creative you become and when you use your imagination its like using a muscle the more you exercise it the bigger and stronger it becomes.

    This release of creativity and imagination helps keep you young and active.Anybody and everybody can oil paint, it helps you relax and reduce stress, .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Hobby of Oil Painting Essay. (2019, Feb 24). Retrieved from

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