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    The Effect of Traveling on a Person

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    Traveling consists of going to another town, state, country, or continent. It is an adventure that one embarks on whether it is done for a reason or for no reason at all. It contributes in the development of a person’s character and shapes them as a human being. Traveling forces a person of their comfort zone in one way or another and changes their perspective of the world in many ways. The immersion of oneself in a different culture (such as a state or country) can expand their perspective of that specific place.

    Traveling allows a person to develop a different perspective of the town, state, or country they go to. Whether it is a city away or a country three thousand miles away, it is a different view than ‘their’ home. You discover different culture than yours and explore many new places. Traveling allows the mind to run free and experience new places and communities. It also allows the mind to embrace new ideas and experiences. Traveling for long periods of time has been proven to affect people’s personalities.

    For example, there is a concept in psychology called the big five. It is consisted of the five dominant characteristics someone’s personality: openness, extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. Traveling provides interaction with other human beings and their culture that are the contributing factors to the dominant characteristic of openness. However, many argue that traveling can have more negative effects on people rather than positive effects. Traveling isn’t at all what it seems. Although social media can play a role in making you think that travelers live the grandest life, there is more than what meets the eye.

    Traveling can have many negative effects on the body as well. Your diet and exercise are significantly affected by traveling because you are not in your own home eating your specific daily food. Exercise is minimal, depending on your destination. Another huge factor in traveling is the potential stress it can cause in a human. Traveling can greatly affect a person in many negative ways as well. When traveling, people learn to adjust and adapt on the fly. Not everything will go smoothly during a trip, there is a possibility that many things could go wrong. However, we develop a stronger adaptiveness quality when things don’t go our way. We learn to adjust and adapt to the change or issue. By frequently learning to adjust and adapt, we won’t react negatively or crack under pressure when something doesn’t go our way.

    Traveling can have many positive and negative effects on a person. It can cause people to develop a new perspective of the world, can teach people to learn to adjust and adapt, can affect people’s personalities, and can allow people to experience new culture. However, it can also affect a person in many negative ways, such as additional stress, less exercise, and a different diet. Overall, traveling can contribute to the development of one’s character in many ways. For my editorial, I mimicked the style of David Brooks, a conservative columnist for the New York Times. David Brooks writes with a specific style. He gives a brief topic sentence by itself a space away from each paragraph, then he continues with a paragraph elaborating on that specific topic sentence.

    For my editorial, I wrote each introductory and topic sentence by itself, then explained and elaborated on that subject in a paragraph directly below it. This technique that David Brook’s uses allows the reader to follow along easily and understand the message that is being conveyed.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Effect of Traveling on a Person. (2022, Nov 29). Retrieved from

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