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    People in general consider traveling as their pers Essay

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    bioonal interests. One of my Personal Interests is traveling. When I was younger traveling quickly became one of my interests simply because I enjoyed it so much.

    I have traveled almost all over the world and seen a variety of different cultures and people. The reason why I chose traveling to write about is because of the experiences and knowledge it gave me. There are two things that I learned while traveling. The first thing was that it taught me to be open-minded about people and their culture. The second thing it taught me which I think is the most important, to respect other cultures no matter how Traveling is one of my personal interests because it made me a more open-minded person when it comes to inter acting with people. It also made it more understanding as to why people act the way they do in there own society and in a society as diverse as the U.

    S. Before I had any traveling experiences I thought that I had done everything there was to do and seen everything there was to see. Nothing seemed interesting anymore and I thought I knew everything about the world because I had just recently graduated from College. When I got married to my husband in 1975 we decided to take a trip to Europe. This was my first trip anywhere except from traveling within my country. I was not that excited to be honest I had studied about Europe and didn’t think anything of it.

    When we arrived in Europe, we first went to Germany to see my husbands sister the first thing I noticed about Germany that everything was so small I felt so uncomfortable. I thought to my self-how could people live in such small houses. On top of that all the water they drank was mineral water which I hated. I couldn’t understand why the Europeans didn’t’ drink juts normal water. Another thing that bothered me was that I am very friendly but it seemed to me that Europeans are not very friendly. That is when I slowly began to realize why that was the case.

    I learned that where I came from the whether is very warm which makes people come out more and interact with each other. The difference with Europeans is that since it is always cold in Europe people do not go out much therefore they are not so friendly, that is normal to the Europeans but not normal to people who are not native to Europe. With this newly acquired knowledge I slowly got accustomed to their society and became open-minded about their norms and it didn’t seem to bother me much. Then as time went on my husband and I traveled to, Turkey, Italy, London, Canada, Mexico, China, the U. S.

    and many more other countries. As one could see traveling is one of my greatest personal interests simply because it has taught me so much about other cultures. Another important aspect of traveling which I like is the fact that it caused me to respect everyone’s culture. This is a big reason why I chose traveling as my personal interest Because It helped me not to prejudge everyone based on there culture there race or religion. I feel that to be able not to judge a person just based on their race or religion it would be a very useful tool in life.

    The way traveling helps a person respect other cultures is that it allows you to see first hand why and how each culture does the things that they do. For example when I went to Mexico I saw how hard working Mexicans are and I also saw how friendly and honest they are. The image which one might have about a race is going to be very biest because when people think about other cultures they always compare it with their own. This causes a person to think that there own culture is better than anyone else’s and it makes people ignorant which ultimately can causes racism.

    I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to travel all over the world and experience other ethnic .

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    People in general consider traveling as their pers Essay. (2019, Mar 04). Retrieved from

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