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    The Culture In Film Music Essay

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    Today we’re focusing upon culture in music, specifically in film. We’ve watched every movie for the past 200 years and have ranked each song from first to last; these songs vary from genres such as hip-hop to classical German folk music. In this potash, we will focus upon two specific songs that have influenced culture through their musical relevance. The first song we are looking at is Space Jam by Quad City Dad’s, featured in the movie Space Jam.

    Released in 1996, this song was uniquely written specifically for the movie which it’s named after. The hit song was a favorite among many, and when the Space Jam soundtrack was released, this number was revolutionary in tying basketball to music, and was a great contribution to the statement that basketball was one of America’s most popular sports. Not only a part of a widely watched movie, but also listened to alone, Space Jam implemented parts of the movie into the song, which greatly helped the movie’s popularity as well.

    Sweeping the nation, and even listened o and watched still today, Space Jam has certainly influenced the culture of America, just like another song that Alan will now tell you about. Thanks Calvin. Much like the song Space Jam, Amine’s Lose Yourself was also able to resonate its strong message to society. Born in Detroit, Michigan, Marshall Matters grew to become one of the most famous rappers in history. With several platinum albums, most famous the Marshall Matters LAP, Mine is now acclaimed as one of the best lyricists in this history of music.

    But Amine’s career was not without controversy; his constant urging and his violent and sometimes shocking behavior would often steer people away from his music. Regardless, by being featured as the theme song for 8 Mile, a movie in which Mine stars as B Rabbit, a rapper trying to make it out of Detroit, Lose Yourself was able to reach a worldwide audience. Through a strong, inspirational message and also a vibrant, powerful beat mixed by Amine’s cohort Dry. Deer, Lose Yourself was able to appeal to people throughout the world as a song that not only related to a successful movie but also a song that could motivate and inspire.

    With genius lyrics written by Mine, Lose Yourself inspired worldwide and also linked with the movie 8 mile, thus creating even more of an enhanced message, as people finally felt connected to one of the world’s most famous hip-hop artists, Mine; before the movie 8 Mile, Mine was not very famous in the media and thus his background was much a mystery. Therefore, with a movie that displayed Amine’s difficult background and how he was raised, Mine was finally explained and exposed to the media. The song was also awarded for its popularity, winning a

    Grammar Award and also an Oscar Award. Much like Space Jam, Lose Yourself was able to convey the message of an entire movie into one song. Therefore, their cultural relevance is undisputed, as people could finally feel the messages of an entire movie in a few minutes. Thus, through their cultural relevance, one can realize why Space Jam and Lose Yourself were such powerful and great songs that accompanied movies. Well said Alan, and a special treat for you listeners today, we have Michael Jordan on the phone to talk about his close experience with both the song and movie.

    And as special treat for you listeners today, we have Michael Jordan on the phone, The Culture In Film Music By Release My pleasure, Mike, now let me ask you, what was it like being a main character in Space Jam, and part off hit song because of it. Well it was a great experience, I loved both the song and movie, and feel that they are both iconic pieces of culture in the sass’s. Well said Michael, now when the movie came out, did you think that the song would be as big a hit as it ended up being?

    As someone who worked for months on set hearing the song being played, you couldn’t help but realize that it had that special something and truly complimented the movie. We’re running out of time, but one more question for you here Michael, from your perspective, how did Space Jam affect culture in America? Well Calvin, as one of the first widely watched basketball movies, there was a noticeable pickup in the amount of young people playing the game after this movie was released. Since I was retired at the time, some people recognized me as “the guy from Space Jam” rather than the NAB player thanks o the movie.

    I’d see people walking down the street or playing basketball listening to Space Jam, and that’s when you realize what a significant influence it’s had. Well that’s all the time we have today Michael, sure enjoyed talking to you. Thanks Calvin. So Calvin. Overall, what do you think about music’s place in movies? Do you think they’re important? Well Alan, I really think they’re one of the more important aspects of a successful movie. With a good song, one can understand not only the major themes of a movie itself but also the message the director is trying to convey.

    I agree with you Calvin. In my opinion, a great song in a movie not only captures the scene it is featured in but also can make the listener reminisce about the movie and maybe even want to go see it again. This is definitely true. Also, with famous songs such as Lose Yourself and Space Jam, movies can even now gain popularity and cultural relevance, not even for the movies themselves. Well that looks like all the time we have today, thanks for listening to the Alan and Calvin potash and remember to tune in next week on 69. 9 FM Radio. Have a great week

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