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    The Conflicts: Dead Poet Society Essay

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    Describe at least ONE conflicts in the text(s). Explain why the conflict was important to the text(s) as a whole, supporting your points with examples of visual and/or language features. Tradition, honor, discipline, excellence is what Weldon Academy pursues. John Keating the new English teacher has a new way of teaching. Peter Weir has shown in the film that Keating makes the boys look at a new perspective of life, ” Carper Diem,” “seize the day’ making the boys think out of the tradition and encouraging free thinking.

    In this essay I’m going to describe two conflicts that are essential to this hem within the film. “Rip them all out boys, I don’t want any of the Introduction pages left,” Mr. Keating say. “What the hell is going on? ‘ the Latin teacher yells as he barges in the door, not realizing that Keating was in the class room. This is the prime example of the main conflict throughout the movie. Mr. Seating’s teaching style is remarkably different to the traditional teaching of Weldon. Poetry has no boundaries; there are no rights and no wrongs.

    By ripping out the introduction, Mr. Keating is teaching them to write poetry in their own expressive way. He’s showing a path to where they inspired to hint for themselves and not be restricted from the traditional ways of writing poetry. This conflict of Settings outrageous teaching style Is leaving him with a bad Impression as he Is not following the four pillars. The most Important lesson Keating teaches Is Carper Idle, which means Seize the Day. Standing up on the desk In the class room, far from Welters conventional system.

    Keating Is getting them to gain a different perspective, thinking for themselves, living life on the edge, not being stuck In conformity. This Is causing major conflict as the boys are now stepping out Instead of following the crowd. Which Is all reflecting back to Mr. Settings teaching of “Carper Idle, selling the day’ through self-expression. This Is causing conflict with the other teachers at Walton and also with all of the boys’ parents as tradition In Carper Diem Isn’t exactly used.

    In conclusion Peter Weir has shown the conflicts strong through this film Dead Poet Society with Crape Diem and not teaching traditionally to what Welters four pillars are. Tradition, honor, adolescence, excellence. It stood out very clearly that Walton Academy does not stand for free thinking, you have to follow the rules and never to step out of line. The Conflicts: Dead Poet Society By Landlocked “Rip them all out boys, I don’t want any of the introduction pages left,” Mr. Keating say. What the hell is going on? ” the Latin teacher yells as he barges in the door, not conflict throughout the movie. Mr. Settings teaching style is remarkably different to This conflict of Settings outrageous teaching style is leaving him with a bad impression as he is not following the four pillars. The most important lesson Keating teaches is Carper Diem, which means Seize the Day. Standing up on the desk in the class room, far from Welters conventional yester.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Conflicts: Dead Poet Society Essay. (2018, Jan 12). Retrieved from

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