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    Paulo Freire Dead Poet Society Essay

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    Honors American Literature- 091 3 April 8, 2013 Dead Poet Society- Free Yourself from Others Rule “Carper Diem Seize the Day! ” This quote is empathetic by Mr.. Keating, an audacious alumni teacher, and the wily group of young students, Neil, Todd, Cameron, Pits, Charlie, Knox, and Meek, throughout the movie Dead Poet Society to be free of others and do their own business. Mr.. Keating teaches in a very odd manor teaching the class to break tradition and be your own person. The four pillars of Walton Academy are honor, discipline, tradition, and excellence in which Mr..

    Keating sake three of the four pillars while teaching the boys. The boys find interest Inn their new teacher and look him up in the school yearbook and learn he was the leader of a group named the Dead Poet Society. The boys then later restart the society In spite of the school and “Seize the Day! “. But did the boys take Mr.. Seating’s advice the wrong way and disappoint themselves or was Mr.. Keating wrong to teach the boys to think for themselves. Mr.. McAllister, the Latin teacher and friend to Mr.. Keating, and Mr.. Nolan warned Mr..

    Keating about teaching the boys to be freethinkers and they were right to warn IM, but wrong about the boys. The boys could take the advice to be freethinkers in anyway and do what they want with the knowledge. Neil interoperable freedom by disobeying his father and following his dreams in becoming an actor. While Neil becomes an actor he Is caught in the act by his father and pulled from Walton and sentenced to Military School, ruining his life, so he decides that he must kill himself to become free once and truly forever.

    Todd takes freethinking and stays himself until Mr.. Keating Is In a predicament and finally lets loose and takes a stand for Keating. Charlie, Unwanted, was always a free spirited teen and takes the advice and outbreaks Walton and does his own thing. Charlie gets expelled from Walton for his funny business and for standing up for Mr.. Keating for teaching the boys to be their own person. Pits, Meek, and Cameron decide to think own their own, but when the crape hits the fan with Mr..

    Keating stay back from being free minded and follow the rules. All in all the warning issued was correct, but the boys took the quote into their own hands. The advice of Mr.. Keating again was only a service or disappoint to the boys pending on how they interoperable it. Knox, livestock for another man’s woman, took the advice as an Incentive to go after his newfound love Chris, a beautiful young lady, and comes out successful.

    In the beginning, Knox Is sent to a friend of his fathers house for dinner and meets their daughter, Chris, and it’s love at first sight for him and progressively chases after her, after being shot down many times, making a fool of himself in school, and being beaten, until she finally says yes to a his shell of fear and to speak freely. Todd was quite and fearful in the beginning and always took extra persuasion to be convinced, but finally when he is pushed over the edge and is in need to help Mr.. Keating he sticks up for himself and Mr.. Keating and leads the class in one last honorable goodbye.

    Neil, on the opposite side of the spectrum of Knox and Todd, makes the advice a disappointment for him and disobeys his father’s direct orders and blows his brains out. Already a “rebel,” Neil disobeys what his father told him about becoming an actor and forges a letter of approval and continues the play lying to Mr.. Keating that he spoke to his father and as allowed to continue the play and everything was okay. On opening night, Mr.. Perry, Nil’s overly stern parent, arrives towards the end of the show, surprising Neil, at the conclusion of the show Mr..

    Perry seizes Neil from his friends and forces him home. In punishment, Neil is pulled from Walton and forced to Military School, but in reaction to this news Neil is forced to splatter his insides on the floor of his fathers study with a single bullet and finally free himself of control. The interpretation of Mr.. Settings teachings were only a disappointment if they made it a disappointment, once Nil’s situation, or a service if made a service, Knox, the lover boy, and Todd, a new courageous man, turned the teachings into their own incentive for breaking free.

    As a human their are rights and wrongs and boundaries and Mr.. Keating decides to break and cross them. Mr.. Keating teaches the boys it’s correct to be a freethinker and do what you want and break tradition, but Walton Academy does not agree with these teachings. Out of everywhere Mr.. Keating could of taught he choose his Alma Mater school and choose wrong to come into their turf and break their tradition that arenas are paying for. Mr.. Keating tells the boys, “Boys, you must strive to find your own voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all.

    Thoreau said, “most men lead lives of quiet desperation. “‘ Don’t be resigned to that. Break out! Break out now is the time! , Carper, carper diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary. , No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world. , When you read, don’t Just consider what the author thinks, consider what you think. ” These quotes explain to the boys that it is alright to think rely and do what you would like breaking Welter’s pillars and crossing the line of education and honor of Walton and what the parents want out of the school.

    The actions of Mr.. Keating was completely inappropriate to teach at his Alma Mater school and to break the rules of their pillars and cross the fine line of teaching the students to be free minded disobeying what the parents of what the parents want of the academy. In conclusion, Mr.. Keating was warned by fellow mates to finish teaching the boys to freely think and in consequence was fired. On the boys behalf, interpretation was a key role in their story lines.

    Some took the teachings as a call to go and break free and made it worthwhile, while others took it and the fight a unwanted and useless fight. Three of the six took the advice and threw it away keeping life the same with little change. Mr.. Keating teaches in a very odd manor teaching the class to break tradition and be your own person. The four pillars of Walton Academy are honor, discipline, tradition, and excellence in which Mr.. Keating beaks three of the four way and disappoint themselves or was Mr.. Keating wrong to teach the boys to think for themselves. “Carper Diem! Seize the Day! “

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    Paulo Freire Dead Poet Society Essay. (2018, Jan 01). Retrieved from

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