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    Dead Poet’s Society: Neil Perry’s Death Essay

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    There are various diverse factors which contribute to Knell’s death. ‘ Discuss. Nell Perry’s death In Peter Weir’s 1 989 film, Dead Poets Society, was the result of various factors which ultimately built up to this tragedy. Perry had decided to commit suicide by shooting himself after realizing that his life had been planned out for him and was nothing like he wanted It to be. His ultimate death can be blamed on three main characters: Neil, himself; his English teacher, Mr. John Keating and his father, Mr. Perry.

    Nell, himself, and his attitude is one of the many factors that contribute towards his death. Nell had lost control of himself to his passions quite early on In the film when Mr. John Keating first Introduced the notion “carper idle” to the students. Neil took this to heart and let it delve so deep within him that he was willing to sacrifice his life for non-conformity. Thinking that he was taking his life back in to his own command by doing whatever he wanted, Neil allowed himself to spiral out of control and lose his sense of responsibility and logic.

    He would act before he thought about it and even when Todd tries to reason with him, Neil instantly opposes the reasoning, This Impulsiveness Is Knell’s mall flaw which lead to his tragic death on the night of the play. In general, suicide Is a planned act which has been contemplated for a long time, but for Neil is was a spontaneous decision made on the basis of the hopelessness he felt. It seemed to be that it was a final act to rebel against and escape his father’s dictatorial control.

    In addition, Neil never seeks for help even when the opportunities arise. He tries to please everyone thinking that it would, too, please himself, however it leads to many lies and a complex misunderstanding between the boys, Mr. Keating and the Perry family. Without consulting others or considering other rational options, Nell Impetuously, and quite selfishly, decided to give up his own life and forfeit his real destiny. Mr. John Keating, the new English teacher of Walton Academy, also plays a major part in Nil’s death.

    Realists would think that Nil’s death al started from when Mr. Keating first introduced the idea of non-conformity to the students, emphasizing the importance of “making [one’s] life extraordinary”. Though It was a noteworthy lesson and had many of the boys trying new activities, Mr. Keating had not presented his philosophy clearly enough and the boys, including Neil, went overboard with the idea of “seizing the day’. If it weren’t for Mr. Seating’s lesson, the students would not have begun to think about taking their life and all decisions into their own hands.

    Neil would not eave dared or had the urge to rebel against his father and audition for the local play. This misinterpretation of Seating’s “Carper Diem” led to many incidents of being too hasty and, In Nil’s case, led to his ultimate death. As positioned by the director, Peter Weir, viewers automatically associate Knell’s death with his fathers dictatorial authority. The relationship between father and son was never strong and lacked communication. Mr. Perry had only wanted the best for his son, leading to extremely high expectations and a planned route for the next years of Nil’s life.

    Neil only saw his father as a dictator-like figure who expected obedience unquestioningly. This lead to Nell being to discuss his opinions and options with his father, and Mr. Perry being wanted to do. This cycle led to Neil believing that suicide was the only choice he had to regain control of his life. From Mr. Perry’s perspective, seeing his model child acting as a farer, was enraged and overreacted by concluding that it was Mr. Seating’s doing and the only solution was to change schools.

    Hearing this, Neil would have en devastated, not only to lose his good friends, but also to leave this teacher who inspired him so much. This would have been a final straw after quitting numerous extra-curricular activities at his father’s command, and as a result, to prove that he could stand up to his father and manage his own life, Neil ultimately committed suicide. Overall, it can be concluded that Nil’s death cannot be blamed on Just one person and the tragedy was really was the result of many lies, misinterpretations and lack of communication between Neil and his peers.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Dead Poet’s Society: Neil Perry’s Death Essay. (2018, Jan 01). Retrieved from

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