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    The British Government and Creation of Wahabism

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    In 1744, Abn Al Wahhab fled Medina from a group of fellow Nejd scholar, finding shelter in Diriyah. Wahhab was a religious scholar who wanted the Arabian peninsula to follow a stricter form of Islam. To him it is the true form, all other versions of Islam, he publicly denounced and insulted. In Diriyah, he befriended their leader, Ibn Saud. Together they teamed up to help spread this form of Islamic practice and start their own civilization. Wahhab would handle the religious means of government and Saud would see over the political and military parts.

    Wahhabism had spread the Red Sea and Persian Gulf, taking control of Medina and Mecca. The Ottoman Empire had caught sight of the rapidly growing kingdom and were uneasy knowing that another civilization would be encroaching on a part of the land that they wanted. In 1818, they staged a full fledge attack to the western side of Arabia. Diriyah became completely uninhabitable due to the Ottomans tactics of ruining wells and uprooting trees.

    Now, under the control of Turkey Ibn Al Saud, and the royal family of Saud, the Arabian Peninsula was back to being their domain by 1824 in Ridyah. Again, in 1865, the Ottomans wanted control once more and staged another attack on Arabia while trying to overthrow the state. In 1891, the royal family went into hiding in Kuwait releasing their power of the peninsula.

    In 1902, the uprising king, Ibn Saud Abdul Aziz brought together 60 of his brothers and cousins and raided Ridyah, making a clear statement by beheading six of their opposers in front of the main religious temple in Ridyah. 10 years later, Aziz went to kuwait to ask for the assistance of the Ikhwan, a band of warriors. With the help of these warriors, Aziz spread their practices across Arabia. In 1924 and ‘25, Aziz gained control of Medina and Mecca.

    During WWI, the Arabians aligned with Britain, while The Ottomans aligned with the Soviet Union. Britain paid arabian forces in supplies and gold for accomplished missions.

    Mid way through, however, one of the royal families; the Hashims, that was prominent to the Ottomans switched to join Britain. Britain began to draw territorial lines that upsetted the Arabians, causing the Arabians to attack and push the hashemites to Transjordan and Iraq. In November of 1921, Aziz regained control of Riyadh.

    Over time, Aziz married one woman from each tribe and royal family to bring the peninsula together as one. In 1930, he declared himself king and provided his name to Arabia, hence Saudi Arabia. Over lengths of time he replaced tribe leaders with one of his own 60 sons. Tis why most of Arabia still under the heavy influence of Sauds.

    In 1933, American prospectors visited Arabia to buy oil fields. After much thought, Aziz allowed it, receiving $170,000 in gold. The oil fields were bought from multiple major American oil corporations resulting in Aramco. However, the public was heavily against this due to how it conflicted with their religious practice.

    By 1979, Saudi Arabia had modernized and was aligning toward the western culture. The availability of broadcasting, increased women’s rights, and the easier accessibility of drinking, caused radicalist to demand a change of government and a reversal of modernization. Arabian rebels ambushed the government buildings demanding that Arabia stopped following western ways. From then on; the government, military, and people have been split by conservative radicalists and those who want modernize. Many of Arabia and the Middle East point blame toward America for diluting the religious beliefs in one of the biggest holy lands. Even today, the tension between Saudi Arabia and itself is apparent, as well as, the tension of Saudi Arabia and America.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The British Government and Creation of Wahabism. (2023, Feb 08). Retrieved from

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