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    Technology Skills for the Work Force: A Case Study of Bryn Mawr College and Gina Siesing

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    As a college student, ever wonder how to work any technology system at any given work field? Kimberly Cassidy, president of Bryn Mawr College and Gina Siesing, college chief information officer, argues that colleges should be teaching their students’ technology skills within their curriculum. In the Article, “Solving the Work Force’s Skills Gap”, the authors precisely targets college administrators and professors, strongly enforcing them to teach technology skills for the student’s future careers and jobs.Cassidy and Siesing are building their credibility with personal experiences, but also lack establishing facts within a consistent argument with sources; throughout the article, their emotions are more compassionate about the students.

    In the article by Cassidy and Siesing, they focus on the importance of students learning new skills for future references with technologies within their own experiences. Having in mind that all the skills being engaged are to “interconnect” with future objectives in any field a student would pursue. The authors present a report on how a person can get into ‘the competencies most needed for long-term employability…digital fluency” can get better opportunities. As, schools are developing a more ‘broad-based education,’ trying to find a solution for student’s careers within their classes expanding their knowledge and skills. an employer would most likely pick a person with more knowledge than someone who is limited in their abilities. In the article, three simple advantages are presented for students as well as college administrators, so they will want to engage more often in classes and be more attentive about their developing skills.

    Cassidy’s essay is strongly built with pathos. Pathos is an emotional appeal that is shown throughout a writing to convince the readers of her credibility. Throughout the article, the writers appeal to the college administrators sense of responsibility in student’s education. Administrators are encouraged to participate in this education innovation. By reassuring the reader that these innovations will, “close the skill gap in the long term”( Cassidy and Siesing 2). The authors show sincerity since they are in “higher education” the experience they have gathered is being reflected on their advice on paragraph 3.

    Although Cassidy and Siesing’s use of logos is lacking throughout the essay. Logos an appeal to logic, a certain way on persuading the audience with facts and strong reasons. If there is a misuse of using logos, the essay would not be supported by reliability and will only be based on opinions, which is unable to convince the audience. In the essay by Cassidy and Siesing, they show a report on how the industry has competencies within different skills for their jobs but, the authors do not have any back-ups on this report from another site. When the authors demonstrated “But according to a World Economic Forum report..trends a wide range of industries (Cassidy and Siesing 1),” this may be invalid for the audience; because of the lack of sources and they do not expand their databases on their statement. Towards the end, authors also add that “from classical and Near Eastern archaeology.. (Cassidy and Siesing 2)”tend to not have a strong reason or fact that the programming was a great success… just a thought the authors had.

    Ethos is the appeal to reader’s trust in the author by showing the knowledge and credibility. Kimberly Cassidy and Gina Siesing use their personal experiences through the essay. Believing that students gain much more than basic skills for future jobs with the programs that are being offered. The author’s college Bryn Mawr have created “Digital Competencies Programs,” where the administrators and colleagues intrigue information that is useful for developing technological understandings. Meaning this organization has worked for the authors and their classmates and it can work for any other college that is willing to connect their learning with digital skills. Future career jobs are mostly related to technology and here is when the skills taught in a college class would be enforced and expanded with new production.

    Kimberly Cassidy and Gina Siesing “Solving the Work Force.s Skill Gap” essay is well constructed with personal experiences on higher education. The author’s solution is to have the school administrators and professors at colleges to “engage in digital development that can build on skills and knowledge,” for their students(Cassidy and Siesing 1). Through, pathos appeal she tends to convince her audience by demonstrating sincerity on students future can make a difference with the more skills they are approaching through higher education. The lack of using logos and ethos throughout the novel did not show a strong reasoning to go forward with the claim. Technology is expanding rapidly around the world to have a smartphone onto having a smart car.

    Work Cited

    1. Cassidy, Kimberly and Gina Siesing.“Solving the Work Force’s Skill Gap.” Inside Higher Ed, 9 Nov.2017.
    2. -technology-across-curriculum-essay, Accessed 20 Sept. 2018.

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    Technology Skills for the Work Force: A Case Study of Bryn Mawr College and Gina Siesing. (2022, Dec 01). Retrieved from

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