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    Teaching Philosophy in My Educational Career

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    “What we instill in our children will be the foundation upon which they build their future.” Steve Maraboli

    Throughout my educational career, I have always been taught to have the mindset of how the content that I am learning could be applied to my future. From educational content and life skills, I have always been able to apply and use it in my life some way or another. For myself, I will remain accountable in instilling these same values into my students. No matter the situation or content, there is always a learning experience that can occur and be applied in the future. As an educator, it is my job to continue and keep myself accountable for ensuring each and every student the appropriate education that they deserve.

    Special education is the education of students with needs that extend further than the general scope of a typical developing peer. The categories of these students are varied. Therefore, the foundation of my teaching lies of the immeasurable value and importance for every individual child. Within each child that enters the classroom, different personalities, abilities, disabilities, strengths, weaknesses, and interests enter the classroom, as well. Although the needs of every child differ, they all deserve the right to be educated at the fullest extent.

    All students have the ability to be delivered a valuable education that is geared towards their immediate and future needs.

    Because each child’s unique needs, there is a place for the inclusion of students with special needs in general education classrooms. There is also a place, self-contained classroom, for students with needs that extend past what services can be delivered to them in a general inclusive environment. Being placed in the least restrictive environment is always the first choice before considering other alternative methods for students. For some students, they may benefit more from a full inclusion setting in a general education classroom. For other students, they may benefit more from a self-contained classroom where they receive more services and one-on-one instruction. Either way, I plan to choose the route that will best benefit my students in their present educational state and in the future.

    With every child being different, they all bring different ideas, interests, and beliefs to the classroom too. I will help children to embrace these differences that they all obtain. Not only will I help them embrace their own differences, but I will help them to learn about their peer’s differences. Learning about other student’s differences will help to promote a more diverse, accepting classroom environment. Students can carry this mindset outside of the classroom and into the world. They can learn to be accepting of other people in their lives, embrace their differences, and come together.

    Along with my classroom being comprised of students that vary in interests and abilities, they also differ in learning styles. My role as an educator is to provide students with all the necessary tools needed to reach their full potential. Along with required curriculum within the classroom, I will incorporate group work, individual work, power points, hands-on learning, and much more to allow for active learning within the classroom. Along with teaching students required components, I will incorporate life lessons and the community into my classroom. Students will learn how to function inside and outside of the classroom, so when they are ready to take on the world, they will be fully prepared.

    Overall, teaching is a lifelong learning process. There is constant learning with 6yhstudents, strategies, philosophies, and so much more. Children are young and innocent. As an educator, I will keep an open mind and heart, as they do. I will never forget to smile and embrace every new learning opportunity that I experience.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Teaching Philosophy in My Educational Career. (2021, Dec 21). Retrieved from

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