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    Shakespeare,Renaissance,Queen Elizabeth, and Elizabethan Theater

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    Shakespeare was
    A great British playwright and poet
    Shakespeare’s birthday
    April 23
    Shakespeare was christened in
    Stratford-Upon-Avon, England
    Shakespeare’s wife
    Anne Hathaway
    Shakespeare married when he was how old
    Shakespeare has how many kids
    Name of Shakespeare’s kids
    Susanna, Hamlet,Judith
    Which of Shakespeare’s kids were twins
    Hamlet and Judith
    Shakespeare’s name first appeared in print in the year
    Shakespeare’s died on
    April 23
    As well as a writer Shakespeare was also an
    Shakespeare was part of an acting troupe called
    Lord Chamberlain’s Men
    Shakespeare is the part time owner of the
    Globe Theater
    What types of plays did Shakespeare write
    Comidies, Tragedies, and histories
    The Renaissance began in
    14th century Italy
    Renaissance means
    During the renaissance only royalty could wear purple because
    it was expensive to make the dye
    Types of marriages in the Renaissance time period
    Arranged marrigaes
    In the Renaissance time period, women
    had no legal rights
    Queen Elizabeth was
    The queen of England from 1558-1603
    Queen Elizabeth’s father
    King Henry VIII(8th)
    Queen Elizabeth was part of the
    Tudor family dynasty
    Since Queen Elizabeth never married she was given the nick name
    Virgin Queen
    Queen Elizabeth stayed single in order to
    Keep her power
    Elizabethan Theater was
    A large open area with a stage
    Shows in the Elizabethan Theater were in the
    Shows had no
    No bathroom or intermisson
    The main theaters were
    The Rose and The Curtain
    There were no lightning or
    special effects like we have today
    London official hated the
    Theaters and often closed it down
    The theater helped spread
    the black plague
    Women were not allowed to
    appear on stage
    Ned Alan was
    a famous actor of the Elizabethan theater
    Christopher Marlos was
    more popular than Shakespeare
    Theaters had 3-4 tiers with seats were the
    upper class sat
    Theaters had a pit in front of the stage where the
    lower class(groundlings) stood
    2000-3000 people could
    fit in the theaters
    Men had to play the roles of
    Both men and women

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    Shakespeare,Renaissance,Queen Elizabeth, and Elizabethan Theater. (2017, Sep 05). Retrieved from

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