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    Argumentative Essay About Rap Music Today Vs Past

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    Music to some may seem a waste of time, but it is exactly the opposite. Music has become a very influential part in today’s society. There are many different types of music. There is country, rock, alternative rock, rap, hip-hop, rhythm, blues, Jazz, classical, R, swing, and pop. Now these are only a few main types of music. Each main type has multiple sub-types of music. Sub-types are basically the main type of music but as it is influenced by different cultures, over time it changes and can be called its own unique type.

    There are many types of music but they all came from the same origin. That origin is Rap. Rap is a very popular music. It has been popular since it originated in Africa. Rap is known commonly as rhyming or spitting. Rapping is a primary ingredient in hip hop and reggae music, as it is for many other types of music like alternative rock. Rapping originated centuries before hip hop culture was even thought of. Rapping is also found in Kuwait music and its roots. Kuwait originated in Johannesburg, South Africa. Rapping can be delivered over a beat or without accompaniment.

    Rap is so road of a concept that it crosses the spectrum of speech, spoken word, poetry and song. Rap was gradually extended from ‘hit, strike”, to ‘parley’, and finally, ‘speak lyrics to a beat measure. The beat measure does not have to be present physically but mentally can be traced. Rapping can be traced as far back as its African roots. Rap originated with the grits of West Africa delivering stories rhythmically, over drums and environmental instrumentation. The tradition of storytelling was passed on for generations and grew very popular among its people.

    As popularity grew so did the music itself. As different people were exposed to the tradition, it grew as a whole and new styles, beats, instrumentation were all improved. As a result, the tradition turned into a popular hobby amongst many and new eras and chapters of the music’s history were written. New eras such as Old school rap, New school rap, The Golden Age and Flow all came to be. Old school rap lasted from 1979 – 1984. Old school rap can be easily identified because of its simple raps and the fact that for artist of that time it was not about the lyrical power but Just about their good times.

    One of the most noticed artist of the time is Melee Mel and he was known for his incredible word play as a lyricist. He also opened many doors and paths for all future rappers. The Golden Age, from the late ass’s to early ass’s was when rap music went through its most drastic transformation. It underwent the invention of the complex wordplay and lyrical power of later hip-hop music. Flow is defined as “the rhythms and rhymes” of a hip- hop song’s lyrics and how they interact as a whole to produce the desired musical tension. By gee_Rodriguez 2 Some of today’s rap is dehumidifying and embarrassing.

    Modern rap artist include Ill Wayne , 2 chains, Drake, Knick Mina], Ill Twist, Mine, Jay-Z, Wiz Kalmia, Busts Rhymes, etc. Now a days rappers of society are dehumidifying woman as “Hoes”, “Sluts”, “Pitches” and many more disrespectful words and phrases being aimed at the females of today’s society. This defacing and disrespect towards our women cannot be tolerated as it has become very excessive. Many will say that the motto for today’s rappers simple; “DRUGS, SEX, MONEY and POWER”. Since rap music is so popular among young teens, the heads of our teens are Ewing filled with useless, disrespectful, and defacing content.

    Much of what teens are being exposed to today is definitely not the same as for many twenty years ago. Music is such a influential factor in society that music can change the political and personal perspective of many people Just simply by the lyrics artist use in their music. Artist of today are seen as role models to many young people, but sadly the criteria for fame as of now is very negative. The music portrayed to the future of this country is very negative and is causing negative influences in today’s society as a whole.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Argumentative Essay About Rap Music Today Vs Past. (2017, Dec 07). Retrieved from

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