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    Post-traumatic Syndrome and People Who Survived the Tragedy

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    September 11, 2001 was a day that many Americans and other people across the world will never forget. This day has impacted and effected many people such as the survivors, their friends, family, the world, and the community. This bibliography will include three scholarly articles involving Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) on survivors and people who witnessed this tragic event. This study was approved in San Francisco State University and the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene by the Institutional Review Boards. Participants confidentiality was obtained at enrollment. These men and women had to be at least the age of 18 years old on September 11, 2001.

    This article review was that 1, 755 evacuees was evaluated with probably posttraumatic disorder ten to eleven years after the terrorist attacks that happened on September 11, 2001. These statistics are based from the data from the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Registry. This case or study are compared to by men and women who are associated with PTSD examined by using the PTSD checklist. Set side by side, between men and women, the men (n= 1, 015, 57.8%) were younger and was associated with lower socioeconomic status versus women (n= 740, 42.2%).

    In 2003 and 2004, a total of 4, 207 tower survivors were enrolled in the WTCHR. Using standardized WTCHR surveys, all the data were collected. Wave 1 consisted up of 2, 295 (1,300 men and 995 women) survivors from the tower, who were eligible participants. Wave 2 consisted of 1, 852 surviving participants (79.5%), in which 1,015 were men and 754 were women. The PTSD Checklist Stressor – Specific Version was involved and used to indicate PTSD symptom severity. The PTSD Checklist Stressor- Specific Version (PCL) is a reliable and validated self-reported measure using 5- point scale.

    According to the table, at the time of the attack, the men were older than the women. An increase of women reported unmet mental health needs more than men. A lower portion of women reported having social support all the time than men. More women than men also reported having sought treatment in the last twelve months from their trauma related symptoms.

    Posttraumatic stress disorder is one of the most common and usually mental health out come from the terrorist attack that happened on September 11, 2001. Over the past nine years of observation, a group-based trajectory model was used to examine symptoms of PTSD between 17, 062 adult area with residents and local workers. This data was collected and enrolled from the World Trade Center Health Registry while using three administrations of the PTSD Checklist.

    The purpose of this study were A) to describe the course of PTSD symptoms among area residents and workers by examining different groups defined by alike PTSD trajectories over three survey waves ten to eleven years past 9/11, B) identify sociodemographic factors, 9/11 related exposures, and other related factors associated with PTSD trajectories that has gotten worse or have improved over time; and C) lastly, to examine the relationship between quality of life and PTSD trajectory.

    The Registry consisted a group study of 71, 431 individuals who were directly exposed to the 9/11 tragedy. The Registry included two methods that were enrolled. The two subjects are list identified enrollees and self-identified enrollees. The list identified enrollees, which were 30.4%, were gathered from list that was consisted of governmental agencies, employees, and organizations. The self- identified enrollees, which were 69.9%, voluntary contacted the Registry though preregistered on a website or through phone.

    The first Wave (W1) survey which was from 2003 to2004 included 68, 802 adult enrollees. Wave 2 (W2), was conducted from 2006 to 2007 consisted of 46, 602 adults, while Wave 3 (W3) was from 2011 to 2012, was completed by 43,134 adults. Wave 1 surveys were finished by phone, whereas Wave 2 and Wave 3 were finished by mail, web, and phone.

    2.3 years after the attack, data from a cross sectional survey conducted ascertained the prevalence of long term, tragedy related PTSD symptoms and PTSD. This research will determine PTSD in the 3, 271 civilians that were able to escape World Trade Center towers one and two. By Using the PTSD checklist, the authors estimated the probable rate of PTSD at 15.0%.

    The objective of this research is to 1) measure the prevalence of PTSD symptoms and probably PTSD in a large group of tower survivors two to three years after 9/11; 2) describe the Range of direct exposures reported; and 3) assess the independent and collective relations between these exposures and the risk of probably PTSD. The data collected from this include data from over 71,000 individuals including passerby, school children, rescue/ recovery/ lower Manhattan residents, and building occupants. PTSD was evaluated with the PTSD check list and Stressor Specific Version.

    Psychical location, exposure to the dust cloud that resulted from the building collapsing, witnessing the attack, injuries, and education initiation are potential demographic potential risk factors characteristic. Two tailed chi-square tests were performed to compare the cohort’s characteristics with those of 803 telephone survey respondents in the NIST’s study of emergency communications, occupant behavior, and egress. Bivariate logistic regression models to obtain strength of associations and chi square or event exposure variable and PTSD status were also used to identify associations between each demographic.

    The three articles provided are similar in every situation. All of these student’s articles summarizes survivors, not only twin tower survivor’s, but also the people that were around who witnessed this tragedy.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Post-traumatic Syndrome and People Who Survived the Tragedy. (2022, Nov 29). Retrieved from

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