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    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Abused (Non-sexual) And Neglected Children as Adults

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    The study of post-traumatic stress disorder known as PTSD in children who have been abused and neglected is likely to follow them into their adult life if not treated properly. Understanding the different kinds of studies done on PTSD in the mental health industry is crucial to helping children who suffer, gain control over their lives in a positive way. Studies have been performed by many in the mental health field, yet one that has provided a large amount of research or study done over fifteen years has been by, Miller-Graff and Campion. With the right amount of care and treatment a child who suffers from PTSD can have positive improvements over time with proper treatment even into their adulthood.

    Post-traumatic stress or PTSD was not diagnosed in early studies as a mental illness like depression and anxiety. Since the study of depression and anxiety has always been looked at throughout the mental health industry it was not compared to the treatment plans with PTSD. Although, the study of post-traumatic stress disorder from Miller-Graff and Campion and others over the years have been strong in its field of study in understanding the best course of action for treating PTSD in young children the research is still ongoing. In a study done in the U.K. it reported on the force of cognitive behavioral therapy when treating children and adolescents who were suffering from PTSD. This study took place through the U.K National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and was conducted in 2005.

    Although other treatment plans were used to help assist children and adolescents who displayed signs of PTSD not enough data to evaluate if the treatment was successful or not was documented. Understanding PTSD in children was the focus of abuse and neglect either directly or indirectly. This type of trauma is what caused symptoms that could be documented through the educational system with teachers as well as in the medical and mental health industry. A child suffering from PTSD would display signs of aggressive behavior, anger or become withdrawn isolating him-or-herself just to name a few. If the child suffered abuse or a traumatic event his-or-her behavior would likely become socially withdrawn behavior such as, poor concentration and a lack of positive emotions.

    In understanding how PTSD affects children, studies over the years have tied its symptoms and behaviors to the adolescent stage. Meaning the child or adolescent may have been the direct target of physical, mental or emotional abuse. The child also may have been neglected or witnessed trauma directly or indirectly. Not having the right treatment early on can be the root cause for PTSD in one’s adult life. Therefore, understanding the effectiveness and proper treatment used in PTSD early on is important to the mental health of the child or adolescent. One of the treatments that is said to look at the scope of trauma or abuse has been the study of poly victimization by Hamby & Grych back in 2013.

    In the study on PTSD in children by Kerig, Fedorowicz, Brown and Warren looked at abuse, trauma and different forms of violence as one of the main risk factors in children with posttraumatic stress disorder PTSD.

    Ongoing study of PTSD in children and adolescence and its developmental differences has yet to be done. However, understanding the long-term effects PTSD has on a child is still being researched today. The different forms of treatment for children sufferers of PTSD was done with different age groups through direct communication. There were differences in how children of different ages display or showed signs of PTSD. The study or research focus was on trauma and abuse. It’s study of how a child may react or behave became the comprehensive model for understanding how trauma and abuse effects a child over time, documented by Foy, Madvig, Pynoos and Camilleri (1995). The study presented various models which offered a different if not unique insight to a child with PTSD be it through abuse or neglect. The model also gave insight to the behavioral ways of how a child with PTSD interpreted and responded to abuse at various ages.

    In order to successfully treat PTSD in children various models were used over the course of study on various age groups. If PTSD was not treated or was misdiagnosed early on in a child’s life the likelihood of the symptoms showing in one’s adulthood was high or considered a risk factor. The study of PTSD in children also focused on their ability to function. This treatment after diagnosis varied while looking at the child’s functioning or domains from cognitive, affective, moral and interpersonal treatment of traumatic exposure. In children who suffer from PTSD the need to cope and raise their self-esteem is one of the many risk factors.

    In more studies of PTSD in children offering therapy of play was more effective in helping children suffering cope with PTSD. Many children were able to express themselves in various ways adding to a more positive treatment or control over ongoing or persistent symptoms of PTSD. These studies also focused on symptoms of PTSD in children suffering from neglect which was well documented. The ongoing study of play was effective in many cases and still used today as a reference of study and helping children of PTSD cope and heal.

    In conclusion, A look at the study and treatment of PTSD in abused and neglected children is still an ongoing process in helping to find a more effective way of treating children of all ages suffering from PTSD. Although, progress has been made the mental health industry is always looking for ways of helping children understand and overcome PTSD through positive treatment plans in order to have a normal life.

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    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Abused (Non-sexual) And Neglected Children as Adults. (2022, Nov 29). Retrieved from

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