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    Political Music – Specific Examples Essay

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    Frank Kappa once said, ‘Music is always a commentary on society. Since politics so greatly defines the society we all live in, it is only apt that music and politics mix. Throughout the years many musicians and bands have used their music as a vehicle to express their political views Time has shown again and again how music can be used in a variety of political expressions such as in protest themes, for example anti- war songs and at the other end of the spectrum, pro-establishment ideas such as national anthems.

    The International’ is a widely sung left-wing anthem. It is one of the most recognizable songs of the socialist movement and is the official anthem of The Socialist International, a worldwide association of political parties in more than 80 countries which seek to establish democratic socialism. In this case, I like how this song is a common banner under which every single person who supports socialism can stand under. ‘The Star Spangled Banner’ is the national anthem of the United States of America, ND has been since 1931.

    It is a timeless iconic anthem and in a somewhat click©d manner, I love how this one song, consisting of Just 4 stanzas has the power to unite every American, regardless of differing socio-economic status, political views and religious belief in love for the land of the free and the home of the brave’ that they live in. ‘Fast Car’ by Tracy Chapman released in 1988 is a narrative song of generational poverty. This song deals indirectly with the economic policies that are implemented by government.

    I think it is a good example of how music is an avenue for expressing not Just plain political views, but subversively economic ones as well seeing as how economics and politics are so inextricably linked. ‘A Teacher Call to Prayer’ by the Muslim Punk music scene shows the Muslim call to prayer (than) played on an electric guitar. This music scene aims to openly reject traditionalist interpretations of Islam. The Muslim punk founder, Michael Muhammad Knight describes himself as a ‘non-denominational atheist Muslim’ which is confusing at best.

    Although this is more to do with religion and music, religion and politics definitely mix too so indirectly, this can be categorized as political music which I find intriguing. ‘Kananga Style’ by Sys was sass’s hit viral song of the year with 1. 6 billion views on Youth thus far. It has been parodied by people ranging from the UN Secretary General to Ai Wee. But beyond the catchy tune and funky dance moves, a surprisingly subversive message about class and wealth in contemporary South Korean society was made.

    Political Music – Specific Examples By debauchee beneficial for society in general although that being said, I do think a fine balance must be maintained. Music is a good tool for expressing political views because music has the ability to break down political, economic and religious barriers but at the same time, politics already dominates and influences so much of our everyday life that sometimes it is Just nicer to listen to a good old fashioned song without having to dissect its deeper underlying political meaning

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    Political Music – Specific Examples Essay. (2017, Dec 06). Retrieved from

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