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    Poetry Analysis: Diana and Actaeon Essay

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    “Poetry Analysis on Diana and Octagon” In the poem, Metamorphoses by Ovid, in the short story “Diana and Octagon” describes how chaste Donna’s punishment to Octagon can be seen a bit unfair. Diana being the goddess of the hunt was Innocently taking a bath with her nymphs bathing her when out of the blue a young man called Octagon Is caught seeing the goodness of the hunt naked. Knowing someone saw her naked while bathing, Diana decided to punish Octagon in a very cruel way.

    This poem can be compared to modern rumination “Octagon”. 80th poems have their similarities as well as their deference. The poem “Diana and Octagon” can be compared to “Octagon” in the way of they metamorphose differently. In the poem “Diana and Octagon” and in the modern translation “Octagon” we see how the texts are both very similar but told a bit differently. In the first text we see how Ovid is more detailed when it comes to the beginning of this poem. Ovid talks about Octagon being the grandson of Cadmium.

    In the second text we see how this story has a different title which is just “Octagon”, which immediately makes the reader believe that the author does not like Donna’s punishment to Octagon. In the first text says, “At once, Seeing a man, all naked as they were, The nymphs, beating their breasts, filled the whole grove With sudden screams and clustered round Diana To clothe her body with their own. But she stood taller, a head taller than them all;… So deeply blushed Diana, caught unclothed” (Ovid, 56).

    Here we see Diana seen naked by young hunter Octagon that was Just idly wandering through the woods. In the second text says, “He peered Into the gloom to see the waterfall- But what he saw were nymphs, their wild faces Screaming at him in a commotion of water. And as his eyes adjusted, he saw they were naked, Beating their breasts as they screamed at him. And he saw they were crowding together To hide something from him. He stared harder. Those nymphs could not conceal Donna’s whiteness. The tallest barely reached her navel. Octagon Stared at the goddess, who stared at him” (peg 99, 5-7).

    In here we see the writer from the second text saying a animal story but also being a bit more detailed in the way he wrote it. The author describes Diana body color being “whiteness” while in the first text Ovid didn’t. (old, MAYBE CUT QUOTES? ) In the poem “Diana and Octagon” and In the modern translation “Octagon”, we see how there is a difference in the language. In Ovoid’s poem the story has harsh language while in the modern translation the poem is an easy read. In the first text says, “The pack, Hot in pursuit, sped on over fells and crags, By walls of rock, daunting trails or none.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Poetry Analysis: Diana and Actaeon Essay. (2018, Jan 08). Retrieved from

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