There are many words that come to mind when I consider what the purpose of education is, however one word describes it best, and that is development. When I become a teacher, I will be responsible for many aspects of a child’s development: cognitive, social, mental, and physical. In order to become an effective teacher, I understand that I need to become perceptive to a child’s personal interests and motivational needs, learning needs, and abilities, as well as ethnic and cultural similarities and differences. To do this, I believe I am using a combination of all four educational philosophies. These are perennials, essentialism, progressivism, and postmodernism.
According to an assessment I had taken, most of my interests lie in postmodernism. Still, though, I have examples of all four educational philosophies in my own philosophy. As a future teacher with some postmodernism ideas, I realize that each child is a unique individual, capable of learning. All children learn and develop at different rates. To be an excellent teacher, I will take into consideration the individual learning styles of each student, and accommodations of diverse learner needs as much as possible. It is with this in mind that, as a teacher, I will incorporate within my curriculum many different learning styles.
Instruction in all areas, even in the resource/special education room, should be child-centered and involve hands-on, collaborative, exploratory, problem-solving-type situations that challenge children and enhance their development. I believe in discussion,role play, and some simulation in the classroom. The construction of a classroom that is child-centered will allow me to become a companion in learning with my students so that each day I may learn through watching them learn. They will also learn by me providing continuous feedback. By developing a learning environment that includes clear discipline, open communication, and a variety of teaching strategies, I hope to provide quality education to all my future students. As a teacher with some perennials ideals, which is a combination of idealism and realism, I will acknowledge that I am not alone in the education process.
I will enlist the help of parents, colleagues, administration, and the community. For many, the only purpose of education is to incorporate within children the knowledge of subject matter needed to construct a productive citizen. However, it is my hope to go further and collaborate with others in order to help my students establish their life goals and work with them to achieve the goals. I understand that some of the student’s goals may be just to be productive citizens, and that is fine. The future of our world is dependent upon the children of today. In society’s opinion, a child doesn’t become successful if they don’t go to college or have a high-paying job.
As a future special education teacher, I understand that this will not always be the case. I believe that the students, not society, should be the top priority of the teacher in order to create a successful learning climate. A child, with special needs or any other child, is successful if they are working in a grocery, ora fast food restaurant if that is what their goal is. They may be successful if they are working as a mechanic, or any other blue-collar job, for that matter.
I want my children to realize that they are not robots,and each of them has different skills, abilities and dreams. Every one of them can reach their dream no matter what it is. As a teacher, I will be responsible for helping to shape their future or reach their dreams, whatever it may be. It may even be college, and if it’s not that is okay too. We all know we need people in the grocery stores, fast food restaurants, mechanics, and people in other blue-collar jobs.
Without these jobs, we couldn’t go on. Of course, it would also be wonderful if all my students went to college, or had a high-paying job, which I know that some will be able to do. However, going to college and having a high paying job, will not make them any better than the other students. The greatest sight imaginable is the shining eyes and open mind of a child ready to learn. It is this sight that I hope to experience each day,and when any child under my care is successful or improves, I will get to see those shining eyes and.