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    My Passion for Dancing Essay (456 words)

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    I enter the stage, head down, not looking into the audience. I gulp, swallowing hard to breathe in breathe out. It’s almost show time. It’s, “Go hard, or go home. ” There is no turning back. The lights come on, and that means it’s time to hit every move. My body trails gracefully across the stage. All I hear are the chants and cheers from the audience. The sounds drive me forward, and they want more. I don’t need to see, to know where I am going. I keep thinking of each step in my head, and all I hear is the rhythm, “Boom cat Boom cat. The song ends, and I open my eyes to see that I am great. All the applause shows me that this is what I am destined for.

    Dancing on a stage in the presence of an audience makes me go to a different level. My world is clear again. All my life, I have had faith in one passion, and that is dancing. I have been dancing since I could walk, and professionally for a little over twelve years. Dance is my outlet in life. I have been through so many things that people cannot even imagine. The joy dancing brings me, lights many flames in my heart.

    I am experienced in many types of dance, hip hop, praise dancing, classical, tap, and other styles. With every style of dance, I discover, and convey a new emotion. I believe that dance is like a person with different genres and feelings. My first experience with dance was brought in through the stage presence. At my church, we put on different talent shows. Every year, we get a big stage and allow all the teens in to church to bring their talents. That was my time to show what I’ve got. That was my very first time ever performing on a stage, and i couldn’t get enough.

    When I enter a stage, I always have butterflies in my stomach. I have to allow the dance to come alive, so I always give it all I got. The stage is a place where all my problems just go away. The best part of being on stage, is the lights. When those lights come on, it’s like I’m Ciera or Lil Mama. The lights gives the stage a different feel, because all of the attention is on you. When the lights are on you must bring it, like you are on a dancing show, or if scouts are looking at you. Lights enhance a performance even more, making me throughly enjoy my dancing outlet.


    Fassett, K. (2015, March 29). My content outlet!!!! What makes you feel content? Lecture conducted from, New Castle, DE

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