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    My Four Month Break from School Essay

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    The midyear break seems to be the most anticipated vacation of almost every students. A two-month vacation where students forget all school-related stuff and have fun whenever and wherever they like. During this time, they do not have to think of school on everything they do. They can hang out with their friends, watch tv programs or movies until midnight, or use the computer all day long without worrying about homework, exams, projects and other things related to school.

    Like many other students, I also waited for this time to come especially because classes in the University of the Philippines resume at August 7, 2014 which means a four-month vacation! I’d never dreamt of having months away from stress, anxiety, and depression; months full of fun, frivolities, and relaxations; or simply, four months away school. This vacation was really a dream come true for me. Every summer, I go to my grandparents’ house at Bulacan and have a vacation there for a few weeks.

    It’s the reason why I considered the first few weeks of my midyear break to be the most enjoyable part of it.. I really feel so special every time I go there because my grandparents give all the things I need. There, I can experience how it feels to be the only child and I really like that feeling. That’s main reason why I go there every summer. I also had the chance to have splash around a river together with my cousins, aunts and uncles.

    It was really fun although I nearly drown when my cousin accidentally pushed me into the deep part of the river. When I was home again, here in Manila, a lot of fun things happened again. And one of the them was when I experienced ice skating with my closest friends. I considered it special not because it was my first time, but because we met Gretchen Ho that time. Me and my friends were very happy because we didn’t just met her, but we also became part of whatever they were shooting that day.

    We also had a class reunion last July, before the classes resume. I wouldn’t forget that day because our group won the main game of the event named “Amazing Race. ” I didn’t expect that we would win because our group was the most relaxed that time. That day, although I was very tired, I was glad that we, me and my classmates, were able to bond as a class for the last time. Also, like all other vacations, there were days that boredom almost killed me. These were the days that I did nothing but to sleep, eat, and then sleep again.

    There were days I tried not to sleep so I did everything just to remove the boring feeling I was experiencing. I tried a lot things like watching movies, playing computer games, and listening to music. But all of these just led to one thing which was again, sleeping. This mid-year break became very fun and memorable to me. I know these wonderful experiences would always be in my mind. And for sure, these fun things will happen again as I pass through the next chapter of my life called college.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    My Four Month Break from School Essay. (2018, Aug 06). Retrieved from

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