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    My Christian Worldview Essay (990 words)

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    Worldview is the perspective on how a person see the world.

    I am going be given my worldview on this essay about my insight on God and my beliefs. Ever since I was a young girl my parents raised me up to have faith in God. I also grew up going to church every day and bible study. All my morals, beliefs and worldview that I have today are based on how I was raised up. This have shaped me into the person I am today. Who is God and what are His characteristics? I believed God is an almighty supreme being.

    His love for us is eternal and His love can last forever. God loved us so much, that he give up his only son for our sin. God is a holy one, He is a righteous one, loving and caring. God is the Father of my soul. God is my power and my weakness. God is my protector and my strength.

    God is my example and my God. I love God with all my heart, mind, soul and strength. I love him over the world and all that’s in it. Yet, I hate no one, even my enemies, who I know not who they are, yet even now, they are planning to kill us.

    My worldview on what is a human being and what happen when you die? As a Christian I believed a human being is a creation that God created out of love, He made each and every human being different from one of another. Our skin color, hair type/hair color, facial appear and eyes are all different. Each and every human being is an image of God, He didn’t made any mistake. What amazing me the most is, how God made us out of dirty. A friend of mine was having a hard time understanding, why God had cursed her on having a child with special need.

    I told her that every child is a blessed. She had finally accepted the blessed of her gift, raised up her daughter regarding the disabled of her child with the help of accept God into her life. John 9:2-4 And his disciples asked him, Rabbi who sinned, this man or his parents that he was born blind? ’ Jesus answered it was not the man fault or the parents doing. (John 9:2-4 New King version)I believed as a Christian, God had created the world and all the things in it out of nothing. God spirit was set forth to execute His spoken word.

    As a Christian I know what I know about God because my parents raised me to put all my trust and faith in the lord he will never fail me or give up on me. Also God have given His only son for my sin. I believe this to be true by comparing it to the scripture in the bible. The bible says that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. If it is in the bible then it have to be true.

    Also my life experience on what I being through, God had come into my life and led me on the right path. Without the love of God, I wouldn’t have made it this for. I believe everything that matches up to the lord character is right because right is a description of the character of God. (Merrian Webster) Therefor anything or anyone that goes against His character or will is wrong. How I this is true by reading the bible scriptures on the laws and principles.

    Is life pointless or is there purpose?I think for those who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, life is pointless. For those who follow Jesus Christ you have found your purpose, which is to magnify and glorify The Creator with your life. VII) What core commitments are consistent with my worldview and how do they impact my life? This commitment impacts in my life by changing my viewpoint on everything. My purpose in life is to seek the lord and to glorify his name forever. Without God I am Nothing! I believed that Christian theism is a commitment that is consistent with my worldview and beliefs. My worldview is Christian, my worldview is the overall perspective in which a person sees the world.

    My worldview is about the same as other worldview who value and follow the path of God. My faith are known about me by those around me. The three components that make up my worldview are God, Ultimate Reality, and Human Nature, because they shaped my thoughts, experiences, education and life decisions. My worldview had always remained the same, I had always believed in God and tried to follow the right path He have for me. I learned so much from this class. This class had really made me realize how loved, I have for God and my faith in Him is stronger than ever.

    Without God I am nothing, I have been through a lots in my life. This assignment has caused me to really work hard on my beliefs and look to Scripture for answers about questions that I battles with every day to help me out. The bible has strengthened my beliefs and helped me know how to back them up in the future. I truly believed in god and I will continued to have faith in him. This is my Christian worldview.


    1. Buchanan J. The Bible’s violent God. Christian Century [serial online]. April 17, 2013;130(8):3.

    Available from: ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, Ipswich, MA. Accessed January 16, 2014. 2. Hoffman M. The Bible as word of God.

    Word ; World [serial online]. September 1, 2012;32(4):348-355. Available from: ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, Ipswich, MA. Accessed January 16, 2014. 3. Segal R.

    The Blurry Line Between Humans and Gods. Numen: International Review For The History Of Religions [serial online]. January 2013;60(1):39-53. Available from: Academic Search Complete, Ipswich, MA.

    Accessed January 17, 2014.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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