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    Musical Notation and -dad S Answer Essay

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    The city of Orzo is located in Central Italy. Orzo is set on a steep hill rising from the floodplain of the River Aaron. In the upper part of the town are the cathedral, the town hall and the Medici Fortress, from which the main streets branch off towards the lower part as far as the gates. Orzo has relatively high temperatures with evenly distributed precipitation. The city of Orzo is home to many cathedrals and churches, mostly being catholic. Orzo is home to the annual international competition of choral singing of the Concords Politico which was created by Guide terrazzo. . What cultural artifacts were handed down through generations in our family? -Dad’s answer: We do not have any cultural artifacts that have been handed down. -Research: Although we do not have an actual artifact that has been passed down, our family can be musical. Guide terrazzo, one of our great ancestors, was a music theorist of the medieval era. He is regarded as the inventor of modern musical notation when he was thirty-four. He came up with a method for teaching the singers to learn chants in a short time, and quickly came famous throughout north Italy.

    However, he attracted the hostility of the other monks at the abbey, prompting him to move to Orzo, a town which had no abbey, but which did have a large group of cathedral singers, who’s training Bishop Dealt invited him to conduct. While at Orzo, he developed new techniques for teaching, such as staff notation and the use of the “UT-re-mi-FAA-so-la” (do-re-mi-FAA- so-la). The UT-re-mi-FAA-so-la syllables are taken from the initial syllables of each of the first six half-lines of the first stanza of the hymn Ut quean la’s. . What was home life like growing up? Dad’s answer: Schooling was a lot stricter. While going to a Catholic school, the teachers were allowed to hit the children on the hands with rulers when they were being disobedient. When my dad was a child, the social economic status was worse than it is today because there weren’t a lot of Job opportunities and the pay was extremely lower than it is today. -Research: Life in Italy was a lot different than what it is like currently in America. It was common for the men to go out and work and revive for their families while women would stay home, cook, clean and take care of their children.

    In the majority of Italy, many families lived in poverty because there weren’t a lot of Job opportunities and finding a permanent Job was very difficult. For those fortunate enough to find a Job, their income was very low. My great- Musical Notation and -dad S Answer By vitrified Construction company and made $522 a year. The schooling back then was different than it is today because most people didn’t graduate high school. Many people only made it through elementary school. The highest level of education some had varied from second to fourth grade. 4.

    What is your favorite family tradition and how did it begin? -Dad’s answer: My dad’s favorite tradition is cooking together on the holidays and teaching his family how to cook. This tradition started with his grandparents who taught his mom how to cook who in turn taught my dad how to cook. 5. What was the reason for our family to come to America? -Dad’s answer: My dad’s grandparents came to the United States in order to start a new and better life for themselves and their family. Research: Around 1900, my great-grandparents wanted to move out of Italy in order to try and start a better life.

    They came to Providence, Rhode Island, to start their new chapter in life. 6. If you could change anything in our culture, what would it be? Dad’s answer: I wouldn’t want to change anything. Cultural Survey Questions: -Dad’s answer: Our family originated from the city of Assert, Italy. 2. What cultural artifacts were handed down through generations in our family? -Dad’s answer: We do not have any cultural artifacts that have been handed down. 3. What was home life eke growing up? Extremely lower than it is today. . What is your favorite family tradition and how did it begin? -Dad’s answer: My dad’s favorite tradition is cooking together on the holidays and teaching his family how to cook. This tradition started with his grandparents who taught his mom how to cook who in turn taught my dad how to cook. 5. What was the reason for our family to come to America? New and better life for themselves and their family. 6. If you could change anything in our culture, what would it be? Dad’s answer: I wouldn’t want to change anything.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Musical Notation and -dad S Answer Essay. (2017, Dec 05). Retrieved from

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