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    Music Summary Essay (936 words)

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    The reading allow the reader to establish an understanding to how big of an issue was created by Just words. It is clear, thought the many things that occurred from teen magazine covers, record running, revoked memberships, and stock dips, that John Lemon’s word made a huge impact on how The Battles were seen. Later we are shown how although he did apologize the “religious far-right” have not forgiven.

    Still many like David Nobel, are not Just unforgiving but also anti-Battles, being that Sullivan states “he conducted a twenty-one day lecture tour of California,warning of the evils of the Battles” (314) In all showing us that the main things here is that through John Lemon’s words, from then on, The Battles began to be considered as an evil that young individuals should why away from due to the likeliness that the communist could use them to manipulate the minds of all these young individuals to begin mass revolution.

    Further reading allows for now to know that Nobel, did not fancy The Battles in any way at all. His belief or his approval to the idea that the Battles are “potential tools of a communist takeover of the United States. ” However whether this is a willing action or an unwilling on is something which many seem to disagree on. Nonetheless while the Battles may be entwined with this belief, it also applies to rock in roll in general.

    Stating that through a study it was shown that the young individuals into he society are being both tampered and exploited. This is supported in the reading through one quote that states “Rock and roll has a direct bearing on delinquency since all delinquents are emotionally insecure; (Nobel, AAA, footnote 139, p. 25)” ( Sullivan 31 5) However, it can be debated through an argument presented in the reading if it is right to say that they Battles are evil only because a few words.

    The reading itself gives insight in saying that in all the true evil was rock and roll, and hat the Battles themselves Just posed as a great example for Nobel to use for his Anti-rock and roll beliefs. John Lennox provided these individuals with Just what they needed ignored to fight again rock and roll. The main argument that is displayed in the reading to me is “Since the Battles are gods to millions of teenagers today, if drugs are ‘in’ (or considered ‘in’) by the Battles, they will be considered ‘in’ by the teenagers.

    For like it or not, whatever the teenagers’ gods sanction – the teens have a tendency to sanction. (Sullivan 317) In all connecting that the Battles can cause for Music Summary 3 By Nor-Solaces in the reading, is said to explore the idea that the Battles (maybe in all rock and roll) can cause a revolution, a social revolution. In which the fact that they can influence the doing of sex and drugs that that itself allows for communist to triumph. N the reading to further the argument that rock and roll in general is the problem we are presented with Bob Larson he in all, from the reading attest, is concerned with the anti-Christian aspect of rock and roll. However still a focus on the Battles, because it is stated, “The Battles may have been only temporarily ‘more popular than Jesus’, but it was long enough to alter the music and morals of the Western world. ” (Sullivan 319) nonetheless, this allows for the reader to understand how much of an impact both Larson and Nobel seem to thin the Battles were in their argued dilemma.

    It seen to be that Sullivan is attempting to show us how Nobel focused on John Lennox and what he said being the evil he want to keep from young people. From the NY things he published it is clear that his hatred in all was focused both on the Battles themselves and rock and roll because he believed rock and roll entirely was corrupt, while there are others whom simply believe that this music can be cleaned and made better.

    However, this was then, now many of those apologists now argue that the rock they once loved and danced to themselves, is nothing like the rock now. This itself can be supported by where the text states, “has changed from the swinging of Elvis’ hips and saying, ‘l want you, I need you, I love you’, to people like Blackleg Lawless going around in his codpiece with a chainsaw between his legs singing, ‘l F-U-C-K like a beast’. (Berry 1985). (Sullivan 321) In all, many had different views, or ways of handling this dilemma of theirs, for they each poses a different idea/view on what time they want the world to become to. Overall, The reading leaves the reader questioning if the Battles truly “put a generation of our people into the drug culture” and if there was a “detrimental effect of the Battles” (Sullivan 323) Offering many views on the impact, whether good or bad, the Battles made on the nuns population and whether it can be connected to both communism and evil.

    Through Nobel, Larson, and the MARC, we are offered many cases of individuals who believe the Battles to be evil all thanks to the word of John Lennox, The Battles > Jesus, and believe them to be able to corrupt the minds of the youth in America, in all causing them to turn to drugs and sex in all causing a mass social revolution that they see being led by the communist. I affirm that I have neither given nor received assistance from another student while preparing this summary.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Music Summary Essay (936 words). (2017, Dec 04). Retrieved from

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