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    Music and Text Questions Review Essay

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    What are the basic elements of music? Pitch, Tempo, Dynamic. 2. What is pitch? Pitch is the frequency of a sound, and it relates to the highness or lowness of a tone that we hear. 3. What is syncopation? A symphony is a musical piece that has been scored for a full orchestra; it is often an extended composition. What types of music use syncopation? Concerto and Sonata 4. What are three examples of forms of music? 12-bar blues is a chord progression that is common in many popular forms of music.

    The common meter, which consists of four lines of a particular number of, beats that end in the rhyming pattern of a-b-a-b. 5. What is form in music? The Form is the arrangement of large musical sections within a composition. Critical Thinking Questions 1. Music has sometimes been referred to as a “universal language. ” Why has this description been applied to music? The reason for this is because the type of music there is and the message they contain. Do you agree or disagree with this assessment? Yes. Why? I agree because of how there are a wide variety of music here is in the world. . Why is musical notation important? Musical Notation is important because it shows how the music will sound. What benefits do musicians and others receive from being able to write down and note aspects of a musical piece? The benefit is that they won’t forget how it was supposed to sound. 3. In the first part of the module, we discussed how music is everywhere in society. What are some of the ways that we use music? People use music for everything they put in movies, TV shows, and in they put it in malls. How do you use music in your own life?

    I use music when I’m doing work, working out, playing games, and when I’m in a competition. 4. Music can help influence the mood or feeling in a place by the way in which it is played. What is a specific example of this that you have experienced? When I was going through a bad relationship and we broke up I felt so bad I cried but one day I was Just listening to random music on the computer and I started to feel better and better about myself. The song was Vitamin R(Leading Us Along) by Chevrolet Music and Text Questions Review By Jambalaya

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Music and Text Questions Review Essay. (2017, Nov 29). Retrieved from

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