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    Mountain Biking (384 words) Essay

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    Mountain BikingIf you want the rush of going downhill at thirty miles an hour on two wheels with wind blowing dirt in your eyes and mud flinging all over you, then mountain biking is for you.

    However it isn’t for the faint of heart. When you fall, you fall hard, and if you ride hard, you go through parts like a runner goes through water. Also keep in mind that mountain biking isn’t for everyone. You have to want to live on the edge. The thrill is the reward for all of your efforts. So let’s take a walk through a day at the course.

    The sun is shinning in my room as I wake up on another beautiful Saturday morning. The one thing that excites me as I rise is the fact that today I am going mountain biking. So I get dressed and call my friend Sean. Sean is the person who I go mountain biking with the most.

    We normally go to a place in Barrington. It is a forest reserve that has great trails. After Sean arrives at my house we do a little pre-ride bike check. We make sure that all of the components are securely on the bike and that the tires are properly inflated. With water bottles filled and bikes ready to go, we are off.

    Not long after we arrive at our destination we see others just like us who are out to enjoy a great day at the trails. With bikes ready to go so are we. Usually we start off with the small trails that have some hills to them. After we are tired of the small stuff we get into downhill chutes, cross-country riding and all the hard riding that mountain biking is all about. Occasionally, we have a spill or two but nothing to serious. In my case however, the only time I go mountain biking by myself, I fall and break my collar bone.

    So after a few hours of riding all our energy on the course, we decide it is time to go home. You know that you rode hard if you are covered in mud and dirt. And after another successful ride, we go home to plan our next day at the course.Sports and Games Essays

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Mountain Biking (384 words) Essay. (2018, Dec 31). Retrieved from

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