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    Moment In Life Essay (509 words)

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    I was born on September 6, 1980, in Bangkok, Thailand. The two people who can describe me the best are my father and mother. They told me that when they first saw me, they had the happiest moment of their lives because I was their first son. They also said that I was a curious and mischievous boy.

    When I was six years old, I enrolled in Chulalongkorn University Demonstration School. In this school, I was taught to be polite, responsible, and love learning. I made many friends and had various experiences. I was part of the student council, where I learned how to work democratically in a group. I also played on the volleyball team.

    I received a certificate of merit from this school from 1992 to 1996. In grade 11, I decided to study abroad because I believe that in today’s globalized world, we need to understand and appreciate other cultures in order to help each other in the future. My parents agreed with me and asked my aunt for advice on which school in the United States would be appropriate for me. She recommended Cranbrook School in Michigan, so I applied and was accepted. I am thrilled to be near my sister, who is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in civil engineering at the University of Michigan.

    Before coming here, I promised my mother and father that I would never disappoint them. Now, at Cranbrook School, I have made many friends and gained more experience. I am the Residential Advisor of the dorm and also a leader in the World Club. I am so happy to be here. In the future, I want to be an engineer like my father and sister so that I can help my father in his engineering company. I want to be a civil engineer because I enjoy Calculus, Physics, Environmental Science, and drawing. When I was young, I always saw my father working at his table, calculating his plans, which left a lasting impression on me and sparked my interest in engineering.

    Now it is time for me to pursue higher education. I have chosen to apply to the University of Michigan because I believe it is the most appropriate school for me. I am confident that I can take care of my sister while attending school, and she can assist me with any difficulties I may encounter in class. I am aware that the University of Michigan has a fantastic engineering program, and my sister has expressed her pride in being a student there. I am eager to experience that same sense of pride and accomplishment.

    If I compared myself now, I would be like a boat that is near the shore waiting for someone to pull me up, and I know for sure that one should be the University of Michigan.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Moment In Life Essay (509 words). (2019, Jan 18). Retrieved from

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