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    Mathematics Technology Lesson Plan Essay

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    NTeQ Lesson PlanProject Title: Developing Time ManagementUnit Topic: Statistics and Data CollectionGrade Level: High School (9th-12th)Overview: Students all over the world seem to battle with time management. Many students are involved in extra-curricular activities, or they work while they attend school. Therefore, they not only have the burden of the everyday school assignments, they have several responsibilities outside of school itself. This project will allow students to communicate with students from other tellecollaborating classrooms to discuss the issue of expectations versus time and create a project on their data. This project will provide the opportunity to research topics on how our lifestyles affect our health. Another important aspect of this project is to propose ideas for why we are so constricted by time and if our time constraints have changed over the years.

    The project will take three weeks to complete and it will address content in mathematics, health, history, and language arts. The students will be responsible for developing their own questions in the survey they will conduct. The surveys will need to be word processed. They will survey a variety of people asking fellow students how much time they spend various activities each day. The students will then classify the information into categories they feel are important. These categories can be discussed with the tellecollaborating classrooms for further input.

    Once they have collected sufficient data they will present the information on a spreadsheet through a program like Microsoft Excel. After analyzing the data the students will research the information they found through resources such as the library and/or Internet. Once the students have gained sufficient knowledge from their research they will need to develop a paper/presentation on the effects of time constraints and how it has changed through out the years. They can begin by organizing their ideas using concept map software.

    In displaying the data the student will have the opportunity to develop a PowerPoint presentation. Objectives: Students will be able to:Collect data and present ideas that support the data. Present the data in the form of a spreadsheet. Analyze data to support and draw conclusions. Classify information. Identify ways to collect information.

    Express data and interpretation of data in a presentation. Expand their understanding of mathematics in real world settings. Understand and interpret graphs and charts. Benchmarks/Standards: Patterns, Relationships and Functions(Strand I, Standard I, and Benchmark II)Analyze, interpret and translate among representations of patterns including tables, charts, graphs, matrices and vectors.

    Patterns, Relationships and Functions(Strand I, Standard I, Benchmark III)Study and employ mathematical models of patterns to make inferences, predictions and decisions. Patterns, Relationships and Functions(Strand I, Standard I, Benchmark IV)Use patterns and reasoning to solve problems and explore new content. Data Analysis and Statistics(Strand III, Standard I, Benchmark I)Collect and explore data through observation, measurement, surveys, sampling techniques and simulations. Data Analysis and Statistics(Strand III, Standard I, Benchmark II)Organize data using tables, charts, graphs, spreadsheets and data bases.

    Data Analysis and Statistics(Strand III, Standard I, Benchmark IV)Identify what data are needed to answer a particular question or solve a given problem and design and implement strategies to obtain, organize and present those data. Data Analysis and Statistics(Strand III, Standard II, Benchmark III)Use the data and their characteristics to draw and support conclusions. Data Analysis and Statistics(Strand III, Standard II, Benchmark V)Formulate questions and problems and gather and interpret data to answer those questions. Data Analysis and Statistics(Strand III, Standard III, Benchmark III)Formulate and communicate arguments and conclusions based on data and evaluate their arguments and those of others.

    Prior Knowledge:Students will have worked on the following mathematical skills:Reading data from a chart, graph, and spreadsheet. Exploring patterns and describing mathematical relationships. Classifying information into categories and groups based on similar properties. Formulating and supporting arguments based on statistical data. Students will have performed the following tasks with technological devices:Found sources of information by using a search engine via the Internet.

    Exchanged and responded to email messages from teacher and fellow students. Word processed papers. Input data into a graphing calculator and displayed results on a graph. New technology skills the students will acquire in this project include the following:Develop a small computerized presentation. Save and create different types of files.

    Create graphs and charts. Input data into an Excel spreadsheet. Make a computer projected concept map. Computer Functions:LEARNING TASKCOMPUTER FUNCTIONCOMPUTER APPLICATIONDATA MANIPULATIONComputer PresentationCreate a small three-slide presentation. Microsoft PowerPoint→ Copy charts and graphs onto slides.

    → Create title slide. → Incorporate slide transitions. Saving FilesLearn what the different types of files are from webpage. Internethttp://www.

    wiley. com/college/service/file. html→ Save files in jpg. and PDF. formats. → Read info.

    from the given webpage. Create graphs and charts. Take data and create a graph or chart. Microsoft Excel. → Highlighting information wanted for chart/graph. → Show the various types of charts/graphs available.

    → Display information using a given graph. → Label axis on the chart/grid. Continued on next page. Input data into spreadsheet.

    Enter data into a spreadsheet. Microsoft Excel. → Input data into formatted spreadsheet. → Label cells accordingly. Create a concept map. Outline key concepts of their project.

    Inspiration Software. → Insert ideas into concept map. Materials:Computer AccessOverhead ProjectorComputer Programs (Excel, PowerPoint, Inspiration, Internet)Hand-outsGraphing CalculatorsOpening Set Activity:This lesson will begin by asking the students to think about how much time they spend through out the day on various activities. The students will then be asked to break down their day by writing the activities that consume the parts of their day (sleeping, homework, school, extra-curricular activities, video games, eating, etc. ).

    Each student will take their data and calculate the percent of the day spent on each activity. Check for understanding: “Can someone please tell me how to calculate a number in to a percent? What number should we divide by?”Once they have done this the students will be divided in to groups and compare their data with fellow classmates. In groups they will discuss if the way they spend their time constitutes a healthy lifestyle. And I will raise the question if they feel time constrictions have changed over the yearsand whether or not younger generations are expected to do more? If so, what has brought about these changes? The students will have to come up with some sort of hypothesis and they will be given the chance to test the hypothesis through the project. This will serve as a great introduction to the project they are about to partake in. Procedures:Once the students have discussed their own personal data in their groups I will hand them a packet filled with information for their project.

    The directions for the assignment will be handed out in the packet with the link to the project website. I will discuss the project with the students. Check for understanding: “Does everyone understand what is being asked of them? Ask me some questions. “On the project website students will be able to connect with the tellecollaborating classroom as well as access an example of a similar project.

    The guidelines for tellecollaborating with another classroom will be clearly outlined on the project website. They will also have site information from the other classroom into their project. I will let the students know that I will be checking the correspondence among the classrooms on a regular basis and providing feedback and suggestions. The students will also be informed that the tellecollaboration part of the project is a large part of their grade, so it is important that they participate in sharing their data with the other classrooms.

    During the first day, the students will discuss in their groups how they are going to collect the information from the audience they intend to survey. The student will also design and sign a contract with one another that must be approved by the teacher. Since the use of the computer is limited (only three in the classroom), the students will have to come prepared each day with a description of how they are going to use the computer each day. Check for understanding: “Can someone please explain what it means to tellecollaborate with another classroom? Where can I go to do this? Is it important that I include this in my project?”Outline of Computer use:Since the use of the computers is limited and must be shared, here is an idea of how the students will be rotated through the computer stations. Providing the fact that there are three computers in the classroom, the students will be divided into six groups.

    Each day three groups will be assigned to a computer, while the other three groups analyze their data and receive instruction from the teacher in regards to the new technology skills they will be acquiring. Each day at the computer the students will get the information they need and input the information into the programs that are required. This will be switched back and forth until completion of the project. So basically, they will have a planning/learning day, followed by a day on the computer. For example:Analysis Day (Before Computer Use)Computer Day*Round One:-Begin to formulate questions. -Look over the project website.

    Round Two:- Decide on sample audience- Type questions on Microsoft Word. Round Three:-Lesson on Microsoft Excel and saving files. -Begin tellecollaboration. -Look at webpage about saving files and answer questions. Round Four:-Analyze data collected from survey.

    – Begin to develop keywords for search. -Think about classification of information. – Compare data found with the data of the tellecollaborating classroom. – Begin to discuss possible classification ideas w/tellecollaborating classroom. Round Five:-Lesson on Inspiration-Enter data in to Excel template spreadsheet and calculate formulae. Round Six:-Analyze spreadsheet and decide on the graphical information.

    -Discuss area of research. -Graph the information. -Begin search on chosen research aspect (lifestyle, history, etc. )Round Seven:-Lesson on PowerPoint-Discuss research idea with tellecollaborating classroom. Round Eight:-Discuss project idea.

    -Outline key concepts. -Insert key concepts into Concept Map template. -Discuss project with tellecollaborating classroom. Round Nine:-Discuss presentation-Work on PowerPoint presentation. -Save work on disk. *Denotes that the computer time and analysis time is rotated at the half of the period, not a full class period.

    Once this is complete the students will present the project to the class and evaluate their fellow group members. They will also be responsible for journaling their project experience. Guided Practice:Through out this project I will take the time in class to visually show them how to use Excel, PowerPoint, Inspiration, and how to save files prior to those points in their projects (the new technical skills required for this project). Check for Understanding: I will be walking around the room during the students cooperative group work. I will be available to answer any questions the students may individually have and to assess whether or not they understand the material.

    At the end of each day, a spokesperson from each group will have the responsibility of telling me what they accomplished each day. The groups will also have to write down any questions they have about the project at the end of each day and I will go over the questions with the whole class each day. This will provide additional feedback on how the project is going. The students will be required to hand in a copy of their computer work each day they work at the computer stations. And I will be checking the tellecollaborating aspect of the project regularly to guide student discussion in case they are getting off course.

    The students will also have to journal their experiences, so they can express in writing what they understood and what was difficult for them to understand. These activities will all serve as a great opportunity to assess the students’ understanding and knowledge of the material. Assessment:I will be assessing the students through out the project by questioning and observing. The formal assessment of this project will be the completed project itself, the PowerPoint presentation. This will be graded using a rubric, making sure that the key concepts were obtained in the project.

    The tellecollaboration will also serve as graded assessment, as well as the peer evaluations. Plan for Reteaching:For the students that require additional assistance they will have the opportunity to work on practice assignments. I will give them additional worksheets that reiterate key concepts, such as converting numbers to percents, and reading information from a chart and graph. I will also have my lecture notes on the various technological skills available for them to look over. They can also access the instructions and an example on the project website for further understanding.

    I will also be available before and after school for any additional help that they may need. Inclusion of Diverse Learners:This lesson incorporates a multitude of different teaching techniques to incorporate all types of learners. There is visual material, as well as auditory directions and discussions. For those students who are better learning through social interaction, they will have the opportunity to do so in their groups. An adaptation that could be made to this activity to include a student with a visual impairment would be to make sure the room was equipped with a computer than magnified the print on the monitor.

    As for students with ADHD, this project allows the students to move around the classroom, and they are not confined to their desks for an extended period of time. And for the kinesthetic learners, the computer is a great hands-one activity in itself.Implementing the Plan:Handouts:-notes on computer programs-information packet describing the project-sample questions example-question hand-out for daily questions-worksheets the reiterate key concepts-sample surveys for references-peer evaluation forms-student contractsTechnical:- advertise tellecollaborative project- identify tellecollaborating schools and set up plans with teachers- create project webpage- bookmark internet sites- create project folder and group folders on each computer desktop- Software icons available on desktop- create PowerPoint and Excel examples- create Excel and Inspiration templates

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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