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    Looking to My Future Essay (817 words)

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    I always think about the future. I often ask myself “what I am going to do or where am I going to be? ” Since I was young, I have always seen myself becoming an engineer. I would often see myself filling up a white board with long complicated equations in order to figure out a small little part of a machine. My inclinations always changed between jets, spaceships, robots, ships, and cars. I could never decide what I liked most: however, during high school; I realized what I liked the most. Cars. Something about cars just excites me.

    I don’t know why but it does. When I fix them and make them better it puts a smile on my face. No matter how hard and difficult fixing cars are, I don’t mind since I do it because I like to. This is how I decided that I wanted to become a mechanical engineer. This way I can become a head engineer for Ferrari. Although this won’t be simple, I know I will reach it because of my perseverance and I can’t see myself doing anything else. I have always strived to be an engineer and I feel like I am ready for it.

    Some of the extra-curricular activities have helped me prepare for engineering like swimming, automotive technology, and National Honor Society/Spanish National Honor Society. I start my week days waking up at four thirty in the morning for swim practice. Swimming has helped me to learn discipline and dedication for my goals. Swimming is all about beating my times and becoming faster. I am always striving to beat my best time by training hard and pushing my body to the limit. After a three hour practice I shower and go straight to school.

    Ready to take on whatever I have that day in all my AP classes. As a result of all my AP classes and swimming I have had sleepless nights. I would stay up all night doing homework or studying. Then at four thirty I leave again to start my day tired but prepared. Although this doesn’t happen often because I stay on top of all my work; there have been days that I have had to get no sleep. Having these long days has shown me that I will do whatever I have to in order to reach my goals through dedication and discipline.

    I have been in the automotive technology program at my school for three years now. This program has shown me how cars work and how to fix them. During my first two years, we learned how all the systems in cars work and how they come together. My senior year however, we were given the freedom to fix cars with three other classmates for two hours a day. This has helped me understand problem solving skills and to learn so much about cars and how cars work. In automotive technology I have learned and done an array of techniques from tire rotation all the way to building an engine.

    This has also helped me learn how to work with a team and cooperate with them to fix a problem. Working with other people can be difficult especially when you don’t know them before working together. This lead to many conflicts with my group in the beginning because all of us wanted to lead but thankfully we were able to surpass that obstacle. Now my group is the best, getting the harder jobs, because we worked together very well. Lastly, National Honor Society and Spanish National Honor Society have helped me learn leadership.

    One of the four pillars of NHS is leadership. I am an officer for SNHS. This has shown me how to not only work with a team, like in automotive technology. But also how to lead a big group of people. This has shown me how to be prepared and make quick decisions. I would have to organize opportunities for our members to do service projects, like helping Habitat for Humanity. I would also have to organize our meetings and inform our members about everything that will be happening the next month, like service projects and activities.

    Because people in SNHS are smart people who are dedicated to the program, I have to stay organized and know what I am doing. If not the SNHS sponsors will take my position away from me and I would get a bad reputation and this is something I don’t ever want to get. Since I was young I have wanted to be a mechanical engineer and have strived to become one. All these extra-curricular activities: automotive technology, NHS/SNHS, and swimming have helped me come closer to my dream. I would do whatever it takes to reach my goal; I feel that going to the University of Texas would be the next step towards my goal.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Looking to My Future Essay (817 words). (2018, Aug 04). Retrieved from

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