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    Reasoning to Choose National Honored Society

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    Having been selected by my current and former teachers and by other leaders to be a member of the National Honor Society, it has been an extreme honor to have been recognized for my goal to demonstrate my determination and willingness to help people and serve my community as a leader. I believe that I am able to become a valuable member of the SNHS because I am hard working, reliable and I possess all the qualities required to be apart of this prestigious organization (leadership, character, and my ambition and aspiration for science). Both the National Honor Society and Science National Honor Society serves as a symbol of student’s excellence and virtue. As a hard-working, goal-oriented individual, I feel that being a member of the National Honor Society has already proven my work-oriented determination to go for bigger and better things, much of which is also required for Science National Honor Society.

    Through my experiences, I have seen a decrease in the number of students who are interested in the field of Science. From my friends especially, the overwhelming studying required by high school courses has caused students to shy away from taking Honors or higher level Science. Being someone who aspires to take several AP Science courses my Junior year this has caused a distress within me. This showed me that my ideas and clinginess towards the sciences are not the same from person to person. I have grown an indefinite love for the two branches of science, biology and physics. Even though these topics derive from different categories and career choices, I have decided to ignore this and still approach each one will the full intention of learning the most possible. My first ever biology teacher in 7th Grade, Mr. Francescone, has really helped me engage myself with mostly biology. My love was also reflected in my 9th grade year. Ms. Kirby, my 9th-grade biology teacher, viewed my approach to science as being derived from personal curiosity rather than academic. Through the labs, such as the DNA lab in 9th grade involving our analysis of DNA, I was able to stimulate my interest in biology. Even though academic work is important even for that class she knew that my personal interest was far greater.

    This love for science contrasted by the aversion of it from my friends, as mentioned before, has made me seek SNHS as an opportunity. Some see it as a way to gain a spot in a top college and a way to improve your academic self, but rather I seek SNHS as an opportunity to express myself, interact with like-minded individuals, and to truly make a difference in our community on the stigma of Science. I hope to change students of all genders, race, religion, etc to pursue science and to not resist it simply of the belief that science is associated with non-stop work. In this time of advancements in science and technology, it is important to encourage students to hop aboard the Sciences and create their own scientific breakthrough.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Reasoning to Choose National Honored Society. (2021, Aug 26). Retrieved from

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