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    Language Arts Development Persuasive Essay

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    Teachers should make reading fun and easy to motivate the learners. Words should be written side by side With pictures. For instance the picture of a cat should be drawn next to the word cat. This will help the kids to memorize the spelling of the word. Whenever the child is unable to read a word, he or she can look at the picture and remember its name. Teachers should also facilitate reading skills by starting from simple words or vowels to the complex ones. Writing Writing is very complex in small children. Some elementary children have a big robber in writing words correctly.

    Teachers have a great role to play in assisting students in writing. Teachers can hold a students hand when showing him or her how to write a particular letter, In addition, the teaching process should be at a slow pace(Day, 2011). The teacher should ensure that all pupils are able to write the taught letter or number before moving to the next one, The teacher to appreciate the students should also use encouragement and motivation. Whenever a child makes an achievement, the teacher should recommend and appreciate the student.

    Speaking Children start speaking at different times. Others are fast While Others are slower. When at school, teachers should ensure that she communicates with each child. Games should be encouraged in school to encourage colonization among the students. The more the children interact with each other, the faster they develop their speech. Teachers should also use songs in their classes. Through singing the children will learn how to pronounce words correctly. Mimicry of the child’s wrong pronounced words should be avoided.

    By mimicking, the student Will antique pronouncing the word incorrectly. The teacher should however correct the student by pronouncing the word correctly (Hurwitz, 2007). Listening Listening is another vital area in child’s development. The teacher should maintain eye contact with the children when speaking to them. This makes the kids to be attentive to what the teacher is taking about. The teacher can also use visual aids to improve the children listening skills. The teacher can call out a name of an object and then tell the children to raise it up.

    This method will also id in developing the tine motor skills tot the kids (Day, 2011). Viewing When children are born, they frequently turn their eyes to the direction of light. At this stage, there brain is not able to create full images. At elementary level, the children can now view an object and identify it (Hurwitz, 2007). Teachers can show images on the chart board and ask the kids to identify them. Images should be in a comfortable distance where all kids can view them without straining. Visual representing Elementary children love visual representation more than reading.

    However, the visual representations should be made With creativity. Teachers should use colors and clay during this period. Teachers can also draw objects and instruct the kids to color them. This method enhances creativity and fine motor skills in children (Day, 2011). In conclusion, elementary school teachers should be very creative and patient when teaching. They should also identify each child’s area of weakness and strength. Proper planning and organization is also required in teaching elementary children.

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    Language Arts Development Persuasive Essay. (2018, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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