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    Investigatory Project Parts Essay

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    Write – Up The project write – up must be typewritten or computerized, double spaced in short bond paper, TNT 12 and follows the following format: short folder. Title Page – should briefly and accurately describe the contents of the write – up. Abstract – should consist of short and concise description of the problem and its solutions. It includes: a. Purpose c, Results b. Procedure d. Conclusions 4. Format: Project Write – up 3. Acknowledgment – contains the names of people and agencies that helped in the conduct of the work described. 4.

    Table of Contents – lists the different parts of the whole report with corresponding page number of each part S. Introduction – informs the reader of the problem under study Background of the Study – states rationale of the study. Statement of the problem Objectives – states the nature and scope of the problem with clarity. Two kinds of objectives are given here: General Objective – this is related to the problem as given in the early part of the section. Specific Objective – this states the purpose of each experiment conducted 5. Format:

    Project Write – up c. Significance of the Study – the importance of the study is explained in this part, relevance to society d. Scope and Limitations – states the coverage and extent of the study; budget, time allotment e. Review of Related Literature – sufficient background information should be presented to the readers to understand and evaluate the results Of the present study, references must be cited . 6. Format: Project Write – Up 6. Methodology – provides enough details so that a competent individual can repeat the experiment. Materials/

    Equipment – exact quantities of materials to be used Treatment/General Procedure – Avoid using the “recipe style” when stating the step-by-step procedure. Use the narrative form in the past tense. 7. Format: Project Write – LIP 7. Results and Discussion – this maybe divided into subsections describing each set of experiment or observations. Findings – the data may be presented in full and discussed descriptively in the text or may be summarized in tables. Tables, pictures & graphs Analysis of Data – the interpretation of the findings and he significant features shown in tables, pictures and graphs are pointed out. 8 Format: project Write – up 8. Conclusions – generalization, checks if the hypothesis is true and it the objectives were followed. 9. Recommendations – consist of suggestions on future actions such as new direction of research for further experiments to be performed 10. Appendix – pictures, formulas, standard procedures I I _ Bibliography ? list of references used in guiding the research work or writing of the paper, alphabetically arranged. 9. General Concerns Example:

    Dictatorships pertains to all movements of the solid parts of the earth (Madrigal, 1995) Alphabetize the reference list based on the authors surname on a separate sheet Of paper _ For internet sources, follow this format: author. Date. Title. Internet address. Example: Cream, C. 2001 . The Muscular 10. General Concerns Scientific fraud and misconduct is not condoned at any level Of research or competition. Plagiarism, use or presentation of other researcher’s work as one’s own and fabrication or falsification Of data Will not be tolerated . Fraudulent projects are disqualified for the competition.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Investigatory Project Parts Essay. (2018, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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