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    Identifying the Reasons One Takes to Carry Moral Standards

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    The word “moral” is used without a clear understanding of its content. This is not only in public life but in education. It is agreed that moral is something important and that moral standards are supposed to be ones that everyone has good reasons to take seriously as guides to follow. Even people who believe that moral standards have this authority are often unaware of the reasons we have to follow. And people who are clearer about this often have different ideas.

    One way to find the reasons that one takes to carry moral needs is to focus on the kind of distress one feels and takes to be appropriate when one realizes that one has fallen short of the wish of moral in a given case. The individual of this guilt shows the reasons one takes to help the standards one has broke. Identifying what one takes these reasons to be is the only first step in the reflective process. One needs to ask if they are good reasons or they are bad and corporate them is a bad one should try to surpass. This process reveals two types of diversity.

    First, people take moral as they know it to be supported for different reasons. Second, the guilt seems to me to indicate that I take the term moral to put it to levels supported by different reasons. I think that this is true of other people and I want to explore this second form. Religions believe to be the foundation of our values and morals. These may often be false claims because the values are older than the religions and because several studies provide no evidence that religious people are more caring, loving, generous, or helpful than those who don’t believe.

    The trophies of religions are their goal but not their demanding guidelines for being good. Being told of what is good, will tell us in the right direction. Humans are generally selfish and inconsiderate. Many individuals would cheat and corporations if they had any options. A few would torture and kill others or take down a race.

    A small tribe in Uganda who are egotistic and savage. Ik parents abandon their children at an early age to live for themselves or die. It isn’t surprising that all Ik steal whatever they can, even from family, in order to survive in a brutal environment. In our world, we give our children love and roofing and meeting their every need. But this protected child does not guarantee that each child will not rob and be kind and generous. In a world were development continues to take place and societies move with modern developmental things. It is very important for young people to hold on to good moral values taught them in their childhood.

    There are some main things that view societies want to strictly attach to. Kids are being faced with particular problems in their societies that challenge their moral ideas. They are enclosed by people who have thrown morality aside. Society favors those who can do anything to gain power and money and celebrates corruption. Kids have the ability that lies with them to bring about the societies they want in the future. They continue to observe such sad practices, they can choose to make a positive impact in society by the way they live. The world celebrates men and women of great values who hold on to morals that are true to follow.

    Kids do not need to follow destruction by not being morally aware but can make a different way in their society by doing what is right. Life always presents choices or ideas. Moral values of the past can still be practiced by youths in modern days societies and with this, they can control the type of change that occurs in society and not just be swept off their feet and be victims of the changes that are occurring in a changing world. Youths of today can make a difference in their societies by standing out of the crowd and moral values in a morally bankrupt society.

    Finally, there are duties that can be affected by injustice, which is the responsibility of those treated uniformly to be willing to work on the terms made available to them. If they do not give it to us to be willing to cooperate on these terms, then it is unjust to check other forms of public benefit and medical care and other benefits from those among the homeless on the ground that they are not sharing.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Identifying the Reasons One Takes to Carry Moral Standards. (2022, Nov 30). Retrieved from

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