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Identifying Art Vocabulary Essay

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    Study the above painting, Marizy Sainte-Genevieve, carefully. Based on your analysis, answer the following questions. Write your answers in the boxes provided below the questions. 1.

    What types of lines has the artist used in the painting?The artist used rough brush strokes to create organic shapes. 2. What are the positive shapes in the painting?I feel as though the positive shapes/main subjects in the painting are the houses on the side of the street. 3.

    What is the negative shape in the painting?The negative shapes include the trees and people farther down the road, in the background. 4. What is the vantage point in the painting?The vantage point is in the beginning of the street, before the buildings, because that’s the artists literal point of view in the painting. 5. What is the vanishing point in the painting?The vanishing point in the painting is the end of the street where the lines seem to converge due to space.

    Activity B: Identifying Principles of Design

    Madonna and Child with Saints (Saint Lucy Altarpiece) Domenico Veneziano1445DirectionsStudy the painting above, Madonna and Child with Saints (Saint Lucy Altarpiece), carefully. Based on your analysis, describe how the artist has created both unity and variety in the painting. Write your answer in the box provided below. The artist has created unity in the painting with the use of corresponding colors, and the position or space between the subjects in the piece. Variety is created through the different shapes, patterns, and contrasting colors that bring the painting together.

    Activity C: Evaluating a Painting

    DirectionsEvaluate Frida Kahlo’s painting Diego and I.

    Then answer the following questions. Write your answer in the box. 1. What do you think is the subject of the painting? What made you arrive at that conclusion?The subject that catches my eye first is Diego painted on Frida’s forehead. But because it’s a portrait, I feel as though Frida and Diego are both subjects.

    2. Is there any physical quality in the painting that has been distorted or exaggerated? If so, what is the artist trying to imply?The lines in the painting are disheveled. I believe the artist was trying to express her emotions when she was painting through lines and texture. The lines are untidy and the texture of her skin looks rough, expressing that she was unhappy at the time in which she created the piece.

    3. Is there any aspect of Frida Kahlo’s life that helped you interpret this painting in a more meaningful way?Her relationship with Diego Rivera helped me interpret this painting in a more meaningful way. The background on the inspiration for this piece really helps me understand exactly what she’s trying to portray. She’s crying and her hair is unkempt because she wanted to express that she felt sad and was struggling in dealing with her emotions. Diego being on her forehead expresses to me that he stayed on her mind.

    His third eye indicates that she saw him as an intellectual, and a superior to her, artistically, at least.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Identifying Art Vocabulary Essay. (2017, Jun 16). Retrieved from

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