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    HUM2210 Western Humanities:Ancient to Renaissance- Part 3

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    All of the following are desired of Baldassare Castiglione’s l’uomo universale EXCEPT
    charity to the less fortunate.
    The humanists in Lorenzo’s court have viewed Venus in Botticelli’s Primavera as
    an allegory for the highest moral qualities.
    Lorenzo Ghiberti created a vivid sense of real space in his design by
    using foreshortening
    It is remarkable that a competition was held in 1401 to design the doors to the Florence Baptistery, given that scarcely over a half century earlier, the city had witnessed
    as much as four fifths of its population succumb to the Black Death.
    According to Pico della Mirandola in the Oration on the Dignity of Man, humans are “the most fortunate of living things,” because of their great gift of
    free will.
    Dufay’s Nuper rosarum flores repeats the fixed melody on 6, 4, 2, and 3 units per breve to
    mirror the proportions of Solomon’s Temple and the Florence Cathedral.
    How did Filippo Brunelleschi construct his dome without temporary wooden scaffolding?
    The dome’s ribs function as support, so scaffolding is part of the design.
    Cosimo de’ Medici founded Florence’s Platonic Academy to
    provide a place for the study and discussion of Plato’s works
    Piero Della Francesca painted Federigo de Montefeltro, duke of Urbino, in profile because
    Federigo was missing an eye and part of his nose.
    Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper fresco is unique for its
    psychological realism.
    In Titian’s Sacred and Profane Love, sacred love is represented by
    the nude woman.
    In the School of Athens, Raphael represents Plato pointing upward to signify the location of
    the realm of ideal forms.
    In Renaissance Italy, the education of women was, to some degree, necessitated by
    the rise of the merchant class.
    In the School of Athens, Aristotle directs his palm down to
    indicate that knowledge comes from study of the natural world.
    Villa La Rotunda was modeled upon the
    In The Nobility and Excellence of Women and the Defects and Vices of Men, Lucretia Marinella claims that men who denigrate women are motivated by
    anger and envy.
    According to the ancient Roman Vitruvius, the ideal human body should be eight times the size of the
    human head.
    Donato Bramante applied the Vitruvian circle inscribed with a square to his church designs to
    symbolize the perfection of God
    Michelangelo placed the Separation of Light from Darkness at the far end of the Sistine Chapel over the altar, because it
    was intended to symbolize the viewers’ distance from creation’s goodness and truth
    Venetian artists begin favoring oil paint over tempera, because it
    gave their work more luminosity and realistic details.
    Why in his later years did Martin Luther claim that the Jews were devils and blasphemers?
    Jews did not willingly convert in great numbers to the reformed Christianity.
    At the heart of Martin Luther’s outrage at the Church’s “salvation for sale” was
    class inequity and injustice.
    Satire aims to convey the contradiction between
    real and ideal situations
    Ulrich Zwingli launched his program of iconoclasm in Zurich to
    protest the excesses of the Vatican.
    Martin Luther rebelled against the Church mandate about celibacy for those in a religious vocation, because
    faith, to him, equalized everyone, including the clergy.
    Desiderius Erasmus and Thomas More revived the Classical literary genre of
    The first major work that Johannes Gutenberg published using his printing press was
    The Forty-Two Line Bible.
    The Roman Catholic Church condemned François Rabelais’s Gargantua and Pantagruel for
    attacking medieval theology’s dogmas and sacraments.
    Michel de Montaigne invented the
    personal essay.
    Why did many Northern European artists turn to painting portraits and landscapes?
    The market for religious art was diminishing.
    Which of the following is NOT one of William Byrd’s reasons for people to learn to sing?
    It makes people more pleasant.
    What in Dr. Faustus would become a standard feature of the Elizabethan stage?
    blending of tragic and comedy
    English families agreed to colonize Roanoke Island in 1587
    in exchange for land.
    England sought to establish a colonial foothold in the Americas to
    counter the powerful Hispanic Catholic presence there.
    Which Elizabethan writer used the English sonnet form so successfully that it has been given his name?
    William Shakespeare
    In an English sonnet, the resolution or explanation is the last
    in Hans Holbein’s The Ambassadors, the skull between the two ambassadors represents
    the fate that awaits us all
    Publication of what work directly inspired sacred music during the Elizabethan age?
    The First Book of Common Prayer
    Henry VIII wrote a tract condemning Martin Luther and his religious reforms to
    earn a “Defender of the Faith” title from the pope.
    For John Smith and the English people, Pocahontas symbolized the
    Jamestown colony’s civilizing mission.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    HUM2210 Western Humanities:Ancient to Renaissance- Part 3. (2017, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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