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    How Smartphones Changed Our Daily Life

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    In fact, smartphones have been playing very important roles in our daily life since the first smartphone was released in 1992. Nowadays, many people have a smartphone because it provides an easier way to access information that can be gotten through many applications on it; such as Global Programming System GPS, YouTube, camera, and Facebook. In the past, people were getting difficult to obtain information like GPS, or news. Since the smartphone has come into our lives, a great change occurred in our daily life activities for the better. The greatest changes are in the way of communication, the way of managing finances, and the way of reading books.

    Firstly, after the invention of the smartphone, the way of communication between people changed totally for the better and became easier than before. In the old days, people had to use the landline phone to make a call to their families, or work. In addition, people were going to the cabin phone outside their home to make a call. That was very difficult when the day was raining or bad weather. I remembered when I was in high school; my father came to my school to tell me that my grandmother came from the village to visit us, and she wanted to see me before she left.

    That was the only way for my father to tell me. On the other hand, people now are using a smartphone to make a call to their families, or work anytime anywhere they want. In addition, people are carrying their smart phones with them, and they don’t need to be at the phone cabin to make a call. This is made, communication easier than before, even if the weather is bad. Now, my father calls me in a video call from his smartphone while he is sitting in his coach at home in Sudan, and I am far away from him in the United States.

    Secondly, banking applications in the smartphone made the transition and other banking procedures more convenient than before. Before, people were making their money transition by writing a check, or going to the bank physically to make the transfers. Also, people should get to go to the bank at certain times according to the bank business hours. In the past, when I wanted to pay my apartment rent, I was taking a money order from the post office, and I was sending it to the landlord.

    In contrast to the old days, now with the banking application in the smartphone people are making their money transition from the cell phone, and they do not necessarily need to go to the bank. Also, there are no business hours for the online money transfer, people can do it any time anywhere as they want. Now, when I want to pay my apartment rent, I am just using my smartphone and transfer the money to the landlord account through online payment. I am doing all the processes of banking while I am home on my sofa.

    Finally, the way of reading has obviously changed since the invention of the smartphone. In the past, people were going to the library to get a book, and sometimes they spent time in the library searching for a book. In the past, when I read a book, I feel and smell the pages of the book, and that enjoyed me a lot (Pierce 90). Sometimes I got lost between the pages of an interesting novel like One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez. In addition, if the book is a large volume book and it is heavy, I will not be able to carry the book with me anywhere, and I should have to leave it in one place.

    On the other hand, nowadays, reading becomes mostly through the e-reader, or e-book from the smartphones, and other electronic devices. People are not going to the library like before instead they search about books online from their smartphones. With reading from a smartphone, we lost smelling and feeling a sense of the book papers. In addition, smartphones can carry books, even large volume books easier than before. I can read anything anytime anywhere I want to from my smartphone.

    In summary, the invention of the smartphone changed people’s lives all over the world totally better than before in many ways, and literally, the smartphone is involved in the way of communication between people, managing their finances, and reading books. From banking applications on the smartphone people use to manage their finances, and they also use an e-reader to read books which become more convenient and easier now. Smartphone’s companies are competing to improve features of the smartphone, and one of these features is the smartphone will have the ability to charge itself directly from solar energy, or air. Additionally, smartphone will be “flexible” and can be folded into smaller devices, and the screens will be “unbreakable” (Nguyen). People will experience all these possible features in the smartphone soon. As Alan Kay said: “The best way to predict the future is to invent it”.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    How Smartphones Changed Our Daily Life. (2022, Feb 17). Retrieved from

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