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    How Many Pages is 7500 Words? (530 words)

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    How many pages is 7500 words? A friend of mine asked me that when he needed to translate a 7500 words essay and he had only been told the word count. It would depend on several factors… let’s review them below.


    The format includes fonts, margins, subtitles, and space between lines. If we are talking about pages single spaced, there will be a determined quantity of pages, but if you are using pages double spaced this number will be doubled. According to many experts, 7500 words is an amount suitable to cover 15 sheets with pages single spaced. Therefore, it will be 30 pages if you have pages double spaced.

    The APA style is widely extended for writing academic texts. It establishes a 12 point font in Times New Roman style, and pages doubled spaced. Likewise, in many countries is common to use 1.5 spaced lines in business docs.

    There could be a big difference in the work extension depending on the space between the lines. Should you use pages single spaced or pages double spaced? This will depend on your purpose. If you are writing for a newspaper, you will need to save space, and you’ll have to use pages single spaced. Work in an academic document will require pages double spaced, but maybe it wouldn’t look good in a book with another objective. Frequently, it’s preferred to use 1.5 spaced lines, then pages double spaced, in order to make the review of the doc shorter, but without making the text so compact.

    Other important factors

    The paper format will also determine the number of pages. There are different paper sizes according to standards like ISO or DIN. These formats are widely used. A page written in APA format and using an A4 paper size could contain around 500 – 600 words.

    On the other hand, a doc will not have the same length if this has been handwritten, if it was written on an old typewriter or if it has been done in Microsoft word because font sizes and spaces between characters and lines will vary greatly.

    According to many Editors and Writers the type of document you are writing should adjust to a word count range, for example:

    •    Short stories: goes from 1000 to 7500,
    •    Novelette: 7500 – 20000,
    •    Novella: 20000 – 50000,
    •    In a Novel: 50000 – 110000,
    •    Epics and Sequels: over 110000.

    If you want to know how many pages cover a given amount of words, prior you have to define several elements about page formatting like the font you’ll use, if you’ll write with pages single spaced or pages doubled spaced, and the size of the paper. With a 12 point size, a 7500 word count generally should cover 15 pages single spaced which equal 30 pages double spaced.

    Let’s overview the word count and how many pages you need for a specific number of words.

    Number of Words Pages Single Spaced Pages Double Spaced
    250 WORDS ½ PAGE 1 PAGE
    300 WORDS ⅔ PAGE 1⅓ PAGES
    400 WORDS ⅘ PAGE 1⅗ PAGES
    500 WORDS 1 PAGE 2 PAGES
    600 WORDS 1⅓ PAGE 2⅔ PAGES
    750 WORDS 1½ PAGES 3 PAGES
    800 WORDS 1⅗ PAGES 3⅕ PAGES
    1000 WORDS 2 PAGES 4 PAGES
    1200 WORDS 2⅖ PAGES 4⅘ PAGES
    1500 WORDS 3 PAGES 6 PAGES
    2000 WORDS 4 PAGES 8 PAGES
    2500 WORDS 5 PAGES 10 PAGES
    3000 WORDS 6 PAGES 12 PAGES
    3500 WORDS 7 PAGES 14 PAGES
    4000 WORDS 8 PAGES 16 PAGES
    5000 WORDS 10 PAGES 20 PAGES
    6000 WORDS 12 PAGES 24 PAGES
    7500 WORDS 15 PAGES 30 PAGES
    8000 WORDS 16 PAGES 32 PAGES
    10000 WORDS 20 PAGES 40 PAGES

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    How Many Pages is 7500 Words? (530 words). (2018, Nov 05). Retrieved from

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