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    How Many Pages is 2000 Words? (415 words)

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    2000 words essay isn’t something that is too complicated or time-consuming to write. You have to organize your thoughts, have a clear structure and set up paragraphs. We are always worried about the word count, but it’s quite easy to measure everything and to measure a statistic.

    So, let find out how many pages is 2000 words and how can you measure everything to stay within in your word limit?

    The answer

    If you are preparing a vital writing assignment, then your teacher must have given you clear instructions on words number, and you must follow. The word count is a crucial part of an essay, research paper or in a novel, so you have to stay within limits.

    So, how many pages is 2000 words? The answer would be 4 single spaced pages or 8 double spaced pages written in the times new roman. If you change your font, for example in APA style, we can’t guarantee you will have the same number of pages.

    In this case, when we are talking about the times new roman, 2000 words is roughly 4 single spaced pages, and 8 double spaced pages, which is a standard because it’s not a rule to type in a Microsoft word with double space.

    What tool to use when measuring the number of words?

    The most popular tool is word document because it provides you a clear structure, word count and character count. When words are typed, we can control the writing process, which is crucial with any assignment.

    Can you imagine not having an overview of your work before completing everything? You will end up in a mess and later have to correct everything.

    In the past, people prepared handwritten assignments, but considering the technological progress, hardly anyone uses pen and paper. We now rely on computers, which provides us with various opportunities to monitor our work and number of words, especially when you are writing in an a4 format.

    To get a better picture on a number of words, we have compiled a short table which will help you overview this entire process:

    Number of Words Pages Single Spaced Pages Double Spaced
    250 WORDS ½ PAGE 1 PAGE
    300 WORDS ⅔ PAGE 1⅓ PAGES
    400 WORDS ⅘ PAGE 1⅗ PAGES
    500 WORDS 1 PAGE 2 PAGES
    600 WORDS 1⅓ PAGE 2⅔ PAGES
    750 WORDS 1½ PAGES 3 PAGES
    800 WORDS 1⅗ PAGES 3⅕ PAGES
    1000 WORDS 2 PAGES 4 PAGES
    1200 WORDS 2⅖ PAGES 4⅘ PAGES
    1500 WORDS 3 PAGES 6 PAGES
    2000 WORDS 4 PAGES 8 PAGES
    2500 WORDS 5 PAGES 10 PAGES
    3000 WORDS 6 PAGES 12 PAGES
    3500 WORDS 7 PAGES 14 PAGES
    4000 WORDS 8 PAGES 16 PAGES
    5000 WORDS 10 PAGES 20 PAGES
    6000 WORDS 12 PAGES 24 PAGES
    7500 WORDS 15 PAGES 30 PAGES
    8000 WORDS 16 PAGES 32 PAGES
    10000 WORDS 20 PAGES 40 PAGES

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    How Many Pages is 2000 Words? (415 words). (2018, Nov 05). Retrieved from

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