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    How has Recess Affected You? (799 words)

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    Whose favorite subject when they were in elementary school was recess? I know mine was, no doubt! Now, imagine not having the privilege or your school not having the funds to have this option during or after school. Do you think we would be the people we are today (rapport)? Youth activities provided within a school spark creativeness and provide endless benefits.

    The majority of children who participate in the additional programs are a part of either a free/reduced lunch system, speak limited English, or have a disability. School-ran programs are important to the youth and their development, specifically because it improves academics, behavior, and relationships (preview).


    Let’s get started talking about how youth afterschool programs can improve a student’s academics.  (The organizational pattern used is topical). Youth afterschool programs improve students’ academics. A. Improved test scores have been reported when programs are enforced. 35 studies reported higher math scores of at-risk students. (Statistic). Underfunded programs result in lower academic scores. Specifically math and reading. 92% of afterschool programs offer homework help.(Visual). Youth with limited English get additional exposure.

    Children are exposed to more English, and other kids speaking. 14% of the youth who participate in afterschool programs speak limited.(Uncertain Times) TRANSITION We see the same positive effect with behavior if we assess a child spending time in these programs. Youth after school programs improve students’ behavior. Free time can either be beneficial or detrimental.  Unsupervised free time leads to behavioral problems. They can be attention-seeking. (visual of acts). They can perform inappropriate behaviors. (visual of acts). The can be resistant to authorities.

    Many underprivileged kids are not supervised well outside of school. a. Their parents are either working long hours or incarcerated. b. Have to take care of themselves, leads to risky actions. Kids are able to increase interpersonal skills. Develop ‘positive relationships with adults and get along better with their parents’. Proven to be less depressed, happier with life.  Youth violence is developed from many things.

    The child might feel individually attacked. a. If a child feels victimized by another person, the might act out. The child might feel a lack of relationships. Children who have one or less parents present feel this way. Children who do not see their family often feel disconnected. The child might feel pressured by their community. During youth, kids usually follow the actions of their peers b. Sara has noticed that as a child ages, if they are followers young they will only become more of a peer-pleaser. Being exposed to risk factors/children does not mean they act out. It is beneficial if there are more positive influences than risky.


    A significant part of any child’s life is their relationship with parents, teachers, and friends; the additional time in afterschool programs can enrich a student’s interaction with others. Youth afterschool programs improve students’ relationships. ‘The quality of relationships a child has can influence their behavior.’ (Coderno) Sara has experienced more respect with program kids. Some programs even emphasize the relationship with parents.  Afterschool programs can build interpersonal and social skills. Children will obey and interact with parents better.


    The long-term effects of afterschool programs are tremendous. A child will develop more positively in all areas if they participate in such. While some improve in academics, others in behavior, and lastly in relationships, all are important in a child’s transition into adulthood. References Abreton, A.J.A. (2012). Afterschool Programs Make a Difference: Findings From the Harvard Family Research. American Institutes for Research

    This research article provides evidence and findings of afterschool programs helping children in all areas of their life. It shows that participation in these programs makes a huge difference. Coderno, Payton. (2015). Reducing Young Violence: The Role of After School Programs. Scholar Works at Georgia State University, (1-7) Coderno addresses the fact that after school programs are helpful in reducing crime rate in youth, but the budget for such programs limits the reach and impact it could potentially have. Shaping the community’s youth is very important and he believes he has solutions to create more funds. Hoy, P., Phillips, D., Webster, P., Christner, B., Mock, L. (2005).

    Afterschool Programs Behavioral Issues Toolkit. Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, (1-10) This Toolkit provides insightful knowledge on children who participate in afterschool programs. It specifically looks at the skills and actions that have been noticed. Isaacs, J. (2012). The Afterschool Alliance. Afterschool Essentials: Research and Polling. Uncertain Times, (1-16).

    This journal brings to attention the struggle of afterschool programs financially. Today’s economy has yet to fully fund these important learning environments for underprivileged kids. Woods, S. (2018, October 10). Phone interview. Sara Woods is a former English teacher and administrator within the Edmond Public School district. She has experienced children from all different backgrounds and knows the impact of afterschool programs.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    How has Recess Affected You? (799 words). (2021, Sep 21). Retrieved from

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