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    Hopes and Dreams: Education in Malaysia Essay

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    Science has been the backbone of my life ever since my high school days in Malaysia. Although I studied many science subjects like Physics and Biology,I was especially fond of chemistry. My fondness of chemistry was attributed to my chemistry teacher Mr. Ang, in the eleventh grade who motivated me to explore every topic in great depth. He always gave me great advice, and I was greatly influenced by his spirit and values.

    Before I applied to universities in Malaysia, I attended various seminars which gave advice to students who were applying to universities and colleges. It is here that I got the most important advice of all, “Chose a major in a field that interests you. ” It did not take long before I was accepted to the XXXX University, and I chose Chemical Engineering as my field of study. Unfortunately, I had to deny the offer since my family had decided to move to the United States of America.

    Moving to the States has not been easy. I have not only encountered cultural differences but a lot of difference in the educational system as well. But my goal to major in Chemistry still remains unchanged, and my options have widened. Last year, I learned about the Center for Science Excellence in one of my Chemistry classes, but I wasn’t aware of the many advantages and rewards of being part of such a remarkable program. As a newcomer, I have made numerous mistakes in choosing my courses and I need a lot of good advice and guidance. The Center for Science Excellence is exactly the type of program that can fulfill these needs, and help to put me on the right track instead me personally learning from costly mistakes.

    CSE is center that guides many other science students. It would be very helpful to make friends with other science students with whom I can exchange knowledge, ideas, and friendship. The internships that CSE provides to its students would help me gain experience and exposure to various areas in science that interest me, and hopefully guide me to the job of my dream. The guided study sessions would be a great asset to my education and would greatly increase my chances of being successful in every class. The various seminars and guest speakers would give me knowledge that isn’t in the school syllabus and help expand my view of the scientific world.Being accepted as part of the Center for Science Excellence will not only help me succeed as a student, but it would give me a head-start towards my goals in life.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Hopes and Dreams: Education in Malaysia Essay. (2019, Jan 25). Retrieved from

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