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    Homer the Greek poet Essay (577 words)

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    Two long epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey were written by Homer. The Iliad and the Odyssey set the start of all Greek literature. The setting of the Iliad and the Odyssey is in ancient Greece in the time frame at around 1200 B. C, up to 500 years after the Trojan War took place. In Homer’s poem he sometimes mentioned the name of some Greek gods. “The Olympian gods as Homer represented them became accepted all over Greece and gave Greek religion whatever unity it had.

    Homer’s poem was usually spoken by, or sung by a group of bards called the Hemorrhoid or “Sons of Homer”. The Hemorrhoid are a group of expert who often composed the work of Homer. The Jobs of The Hemorrhoid was to recite some parts of Iliad and Odysseys at parties or public gatherings. A Bards would sometimes recite a prelude of his own composition before they would start their performance. Some of the Bards preludes have survived through the ages and now they are called Homeric Hymns. The Odyssey is a story about Odysseus, a hero of Troy.

    As Odysseus and his crew member attempt to sail home from the war, they face a series of multiple misfortunes causing Odysseus sail home to last ten year. A tale of traveling that takes place over many years Is not easy to recount, it can become a rambling sequential story. To prevent that Homer used a method called “Flashback”. In the “Flashback” method homer separates his story into a serious of different episodes. In each episode there Is a different subject so then the story can be much easier to understand and to relate to.

    The Iliad Is about the AR between the city of Troy and the Spartan and the events that led up to the Trojan War. “The Iliad keeps a unique position In Western literature. The Iliad Is frequently recognized as the greatest work of Greek literature, and It Is also assumed to be the earliest work of Greek literature that was documented”. A reason why Homer’s Iliad Is still famous as of today Is because there Is much more to It than It just being a story about war. In Homer’s Iliad he delivers Intense emotional representations of heroes Involved on both sides of the fight. The Greeks recognized Homer as the educator of all Greece”. Homer’s epic poems were appreciated all through ancient Greece. In Homer’s epics he would often mention some of the Greek gods and represent them well In his poems. Homer representation of the Greek gods In his story became accepted all over ancient Greece, and gave the Greek religion whatever unity It had. Homer’s epics well-defined the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece and gave them their qualities. “In both of Homer’s epics the Greek gods and goddesses lived high above earth and observed down on mortals with unbiased

    Interest”. As of today people still recognize homer as the greatest Greek poet who has ever lived. Home to last ten year. A tale of traveling that takes place over many years is not easy a serious of different episodes. In each episode there is a different subject so then the story can be much easier to understand and to relate to. The Iliad is about the Trojan War. “The Iliad keeps a unique position in Western literature. The Iliad is frequently recognized as the greatest work of Greek literature, and it is also assumed.

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    Homer the Greek poet Essay (577 words). (2018, Jan 03). Retrieved from

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