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    How Do the Poets Present the Range of Feelings Associated Essay

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    Parents have their own way of showing their feelings towards their children, whether It’s by their actions or words, they all have a meaning behind them. Larkin and Cannels both show their affection towards their child In different ways, but both want to achieve the same goal for their child, happiness. In the poem Born Yesterday by Phillip Larkin, there are a lot of techniques used to present the feelings of the poet on the birth of a baby. He describes that being ‘dull’ Is an openness to change and growth.

    He hopes that Sally may be ‘ordinary and ‘have an average of talents’ and even dull’. These wishes may seem like he has low expectations for her and makes the reader question if that is what happiness is. However, by the last stanza we realize why he wishes for her to be ‘dull’, and that is ‘if that is what a skilled, vigilant, flexible, emphasized, enthralled catching of happiness is called. ‘ Larkin is aware that although it would be a nice thing for a child to be beautiful or running off a bring of innocence, he sees it as impossible. Instead he wishes her to find her own happiness.

    He wishes the best for the child, but not the fairy tale happy life that a romantic would wish her. He is realistic and would even wish for her to be ‘dull’ if that is what could gain her happiness, which is what any parent would want for their child. In the poem Nettles by Vernon Cannels we can see that his son has fallen into a nettle bed, and goes to his father for comfort. The boy is firstly mentioned as ‘My son’, this quote shows us that the boy belongs to his father. It is also an affectionate term, this suggests that his son is very dear to him and that there is a lot the father will do to protect his son.

    He doesn’t want his son to be hurt again, so he Went outside and slashed in fury with it only to fully well know that they will grow again and that he needs to learn that his son Would often feel sharp wounds again’ with him not by his side. From this we can see that both poets present their feelings by their actions and sayings. They both want happiness for their child and they both alma for it in a deferent way. Larkin wishes for her to be happy by wishing It upon her and Cannels protects his son from negatives In life, so that he may be happy and safe.

    However, they are both aware that when they’re not around their child will have to take matters Into their own hands, and that not everything can be spoon fed to them. How Do the Poets Present the Range of Feelings Associated with Family By sorority it’s by their actions or words, they all have a meaning behind them. Larkin and Cannels both show their affection towards their child in different ways, but both y Philip Larkin, there are a lot of techniques used to present the feelings of the poet on the birth of a baby.

    He describes that being ‘dull’ is an openness to change and even ‘be dull’. These wishes may seem like he has low expectations for her and makes that although it would be a nice thing for a child to be beautiful or running Off aim for it in a different way. Larkin wishes for her to be happy by wishing it upon her and Cannels protects his son from negatives in life.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    How Do the Poets Present the Range of Feelings Associated Essay. (2018, Jan 04). Retrieved from

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