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    History of the Donut Essay (776 words)

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    Informative Speech History of the Donut Specific Purpose My specific purpose is to inform my audience about the history of the donut, how it got its hole, and its comeback in today’s society. Desired Outcomes I want my audience to: * Know how the donut originated. * Know how the donut got its hole in the center. * Know how the donut gains its comeback in today’s society. Thesis Statement The donut has played a great role in history and in American’s stomachs. Introduction Homer Simpson from the Simpson’s cartoon states it the best: “Hmmmm…….

    Doughnuts! ” A doughnut can be defined as: 1 a round cake with a whole or filling 2 a ring shaped object 3 or a tight 360 degree turn made in a motor vehicle. For the purpose of the speech, I will be talking about Webster’s definition of a donut defined as a small cake of sweetened or, sometimes unsweetened dough fried in deep fat, typically shaped like a ring or, when prepared with a filling, a ball. The donut has often been characterized as the policeman’s favorite food, but lately it has also been America’s favorite treat.

    The donut has played a great role in history and in America’s stomachs. Today I would like to inform you about the history of the donut, why donut has holes and their comeback in today’s society. Sentence Outline I. According to Mr. Breakfast website, donuts have been around since the beginning of time. a. Archaeologists still continue to find fossilized bits of what looks like donuts in the Native American settlements. b. The donuts are said to have come to Manhattan by the Dutch with the name “oily cakes. ” . Most people give credit to the Dutch for the invention of these fried cakes II. Mason Crockett Gregory was the first to introduce the hole in the center of the donut. a. He knocked the soggy center out of the fried donuts to ensure that it got cooked fully. b. On the contrary, an article A Short History of Doughnuts by Kimberly Skopitz, tells the story a little different. i. She states that sea Captain Gregory, while at the wheel one stormy night, found it hard to both steer his ship and eat his fried cake. ii.

    He, therefore, out of hunger shoved one of the fried cakes on one of the spokes of the wheel. iii. This left the fried cake with a hole in the center creating a perfect finger hold to grip the cake with. iv. He was then able to both eat his fried cake and steer his ship. v. Being very pleased with his invention he convinced the galley’s cook to fry the cakes in the same manner. c. Other articles believe that donuts have holes simply because it makes them easier to dunk in coffee. III. As many of you have probably notice there are not many donut companies here in northern Alabama. . Donut stores such as Dunkin Donuts, and Krispy kreme have grown rapidly in today’s society. b. Americans enjoy these oily cakes that the Dutch invented. i. They have become so popular that Krispy Kreme now caters weddings. ii. Low-carb donuts are also available. c. To show you how much American’s enjoy wanting donuts, let me share with you some facts that I found on associated content website. i. Each week, Krispy Kreme makes enough donuts to reach from New York to Los Angeles. iii. Each day, Krispy Kreme sells 7. 5 million donuts and that’s only in North America. iv.

    In about two minutes Krispy Kreme stores can produce enough donuts to make a stack the height of the Empire State Building. v. A typical Krispy Kreme store produces more than 3,000 donuts per hour. Larger stores can produce up to 12,000 donuts per hour. Conclusion These facts from the associated contect website help to show that donuts have played an important role in history and in American’s stomachs. Captain Gregory found it had to steer his ship and eat his fried cake one stormy night invented the whole in the center. Most people give credit to the Dutch for this invention.

    I think the best way to show the great impact that donuts have had on America’s stomachs is to ask “Does anyone want a donut? ” Works cited Brantley, Amy. (August 2007). Fun Facts About Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. July 10, 2010 http://www. associated. content. com Mr. Breakfast. (2004). Doughnuts: A Definite History. July 11,2010 http://www. mrbreakfast. com/article. asp? articleid=8 Skopitz, Kimberly. (2002). A Short History of Doughnuts. July 10, 2010 http://www. essortment. com Webster’s Dictionary. 2006 Doughnut. United States: William Collins + World Publishing Company Inc.

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    History of the Donut Essay (776 words). (2018, Oct 20). Retrieved from

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