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    History of Oil Painting Essay (781 words)

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    While the tools changed from charcoal, stones and crudely fashioned chisels to actual colors attained IA various processes: the manner Of implementation, too, changed, bringing humans to experiment with painting on wood, canvas and paper, rather than the bare walls of caves and mountains as had been done in the past. During what is considered the recorded history of what is widely acknowledged as the era of the Modern man’, however, painting according to historical records, appears to have been adhered to with the use of egg tempera.

    Contemplate, for instance, the fact that artists were painting with egg tempera long before the realization f the significance of oil paints (Penitentiaries. Com, 2004). Egg tempera, which is still used by a practically niche segment of artists, entails The process of preparing the egg yolk for use as a painting binder, something that has been written about in historical texts’ (Alarming, 1935). Gradually, however, as artists began to give in to the inevitable inclination (s) of experimenting with their painting techniques, egg tempera began to grow increasingly irrelevant.

    Oil Painting & the course of its development In their search for newer, brighter ways of displaying the theme (s) of their nettings, this led to the increasing use of oil with tempera, eventually leading to the complete expulsion of egg yolk. Although the painting segment continued to develop with respect to a vast and diverse set of platforms, however; it wasn’t until approximately the 13th century that Oil painting actually showed any signs of emerging.

    This is something that is unveiled when considering relevant portions Of early Greek history, especially the portions that are relative to the preservation of techniques within the chemistry of medicine and also the chemistry of art. Indeed, it noteworthy to consider that the Greek can be considered as the proverbial pioneers of oil painting. Jute use of drying oils is recorded among these recipes, listing walnut oil, poppy oil, Hempstead oil, castor oil, and linseed oil as varnishes to seal pictures and protect them from water’ (Sanders Studios, 2002).

    As the time when by, the use of oils evolved; instead of being used merely as varnishes, oils began to also be used as a mixture with colored pigments in order to synthetically color objects. Yellow pigment with oil, tort instance, was used as o coat tin foil in order to give it quiet a realistic semblance of a leaf made of real gold; those of the middle classes usually created a hot market for such items as a result of the fact that while maintaining an economic cost, the mimicries were quite effectual.

    Experimentations with various methods of boiling oil and Mixing it with various substances is recorded throughout the middle ages, into the Renaissance, and beyond’ (Sanders Studios, 2002). The perfection of the use of oil painting as a relevant medium of painting It is quite apparent, thus speaking that Oil painting actually evolved from a reactive that was initially meant for decorative or functional purposes in the middle ages. Surfaces like shields used in tournaments as well as those hung as decorations were rendered more durable as well as ornate when painted in oil. Eased medium than when painted in the traditional tempera paints. This is primarily since oil based paint, unlike its tempera counterpart, tended to have a more gleaming visage; the only comparatively disadvantageous factor, however, was that oil based paints tended to be far slower as far as the drying process was concerned. This tended to be quite a problem, and it would be quite fair to assume that it caused a fair share of artists a great deal of distress and frustration.

    Various methods subsequently employed in order to achieve a method of bringing about a quick drying process for oil. Purification and bleaching in the sun were used order to perfect the quality and consistence of the paint procured with the use of oil. In addition to this, moreover, various metallic oxides such as lethargy and. /or vitae lead were introduced in order to induce a decrease in the time it took for the oil paint to dry.

    It wasn’t, however, till the 15th century when, as a result of the artistic genius of the Van Check Brothers, oil painting actually began to emerge as a widely adhered to medium Of art. These Elements brothers perfected the employment of oil as a usefully fluid medium with which it would be possible to paint intricate pictures in great detail. It would be crucial to acknowledge that historical records ascribe relevance to the theory that it was as via the students Of these maestros that Oil painting was eventually spread throughout the rest of the anew world’ (Feller, 1986).

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    History of Oil Painting Essay (781 words). (2018, Jun 08). Retrieved from

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