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    History 1: Western Civ Chapter 12

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    All of the following monarchs were successful in continuing the centralization of their “new monarchies” except
    Maximilian I of the Holy Roman Empire.
    The development of printing in the fifteenth century
    ensured that literacy and new knowledge would spread rapidly in European society
    Machiavelli’s The Prince advocates that a successful ruler must
    act without scruples for the good of the state
    By the fifteenth century, Italy was
    dominated by five major regional independent powers
    In the late fifteenth century, Italy became a battleground for the competing interests of
    Spain and France.
    The “new monarchs” of the late fifteenth century in Europe
    were focused upon the acquisition and expansion of power
    The achievements of the Italian Renaissance were the products of
    an elite movement, involving small numbers of wealthy patrons, artists, and intellectuals
    The Italian Renaissance was primarily
    a recovery or rebirth of antiquity and Greco-Roman culture
    The family of merchants and bankers who dominated Florence during the high point of the Renaissance was the
    Italian Renaissance humanism in the early fifteenth century, above all else
    was based on the study of the Greco-Roman classics.
    Who said, ”Christ is my God; Cicero is the prince of the language.’
    Johannes Gutenberg was a key developer of
    the movable type printing press.
    The Wars of the Roses refers to a civil conflict in
    The monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella
    reorganized the military forces of Spain; expelled all professed Jews from Spain; conquered the last Muslim kingdom of Granada; and filled their royal council with middle-class lawyers instead of aristocrats.
    Propertyless workers and the unemployed constituted what percentage of the population living in cities?
    30 to 40 percent
    The wealth of the northern Italian cities that funded the Renaissance was gained mostly from
    The Renaissance figure in the following list who was not a leading painter was
    Perhaps the most famous of Italian ruling woman was
    Isabella d’Este.
    Marriages in Renaissance Italy
    were an economic necessity of life involving complicated family negotiations
    The Book of the Courtier was a
    popular handbook laying out the new skills in politics, the arts, and personal comportment expected of Renaissance aristocrats
    The painter of the Rome’s Sistine Chapel ceiling was
    The Third Estate of the fifteenth century was
    overwhelmingly made up of peasants
    Western Europe in the Renaissance saw
    a decline in serfdom
    According to Jacob Burckhardt, the Renaissance in Italy represented
    a distinct break from the Middle Ages and the true birth of the modern world.
    Which of the following statements best describes marriage in Renaissance Italy?
    Marriages were usually arranged, to strengthen familial alliances
    Which pair of artists both sculpted a likeness of David?
    Donatello and Michelangelo.
    The first Italian humanist to gain a thorough knowledge of Greek was
    Leonardo Bruni.
    Which ancient writer was considered by civic humanists as their model?
    Renaissance humanists in Italy
    had occupations in schools and universities or as secretaries in city-states or at the courts of princes or popes.
    Aristocracy in the 16th century was
    to dominate society as it had done in the middle ages
    Banquets during the renaissance
    were used to express wealth and power of and aristocratic family
    Slavery in the renaissance
    saw slaves from Africa and the eastern Mediterranean used mostly as courtly domestic servants and as skilled workers
    In renaissance italy
    the family bond was generally considered unimportant
    Federigo de Montefeltro of Urbino was
    an example of a skilled, intelligent, independent italian warrior prince
    Peace of Lodi
    served to maintain peace between the Italian states for 40 years
    Renaissance humanists in Italy
    restricted their attention to scholasticism and the medieval liberal arts curriculum
    Humanisms main effect on the writing of history was
    the secularization of the writing of history and the explanation of change over time
    One of the foremost preoccupations of italian renaissance art was
    the realistic portrayal of the human nude
    After 1438, the HRE remained in the hands of the
    Habsburg dynasty
    The sultan responsible for the capture of constantinople in 1453 was
    Mehmet II
    John Wycliff criticized the church for
    not letting people read the bible in vernacular
    Renaissance papacy
    was often seen as corrupt and debauches as evidenced by Alexander VI
    Stressed the importance & potential of the human mind & body.
    The Byzantine Empire was finally destroyed in 1453 by the
    Ottoman Turks
    Whose ideas as expressed in The Prince achieve a model for a modern secular concept of power politics?
    What Renaissance artist painted the “Last Supper”?
    Leonardo Da Vinci
    The liberal education taught by Renaissance humanists contained as its primary goal the creation of well-rounded, virtuous & ethical citizens.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    History 1: Western Civ Chapter 12. (2017, Aug 29). Retrieved from

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