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    "High" Italian Renaissance:simplicity, symmetry, order, perspective, depth, naturalism, grace, elegance

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    depicts the visible world exactly as objects appear to the human eye
    alters the way objects appear in space
    cimabue v giotto
    cimabue uses abstraction in the madonna painting whereas giotto uses naturalism
    Gates of Paradise
    Florence Cathedral
    stretched out bodies, really into hair
    -Birth of Venus(SHELL)
    -Primavera(venus in the woods with the 3 grace’s
    -venus and mars(painted on wood panel)
    marino ficino
    drew parallels between the virgin mary and venus
    painted headboard, panel of a chest, or back of wooden bench
    Leonardo Da Vinci
    loves anatomy.
    -vetruvian man
    -the last supper
    -mona lisa
    light to dark
    made statues. into the body and muscles
    -Pieta(mary holding jesus’ dead body)
    -Sistine Chapel Ceiling
    -Adam and Eve are tempted and banished from Eden
    -Lybian Sybil
    -The Last Judgement Altar Painting(sistine chapel)
    -portraits of cosimo l de’medici
    -allegory of venus and cupid(creepy beings all around her)
    style between high renaissance and baroque
    more complex.
    human figures often twisted, distorted, exaggerated
    complex narratives

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    "High" Italian Renaissance:simplicity, symmetry, order, perspective, depth, naturalism, grace, elegance. (2017, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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