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    Helping Others and Receiving Help Essay

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    One time, when I was around five, it was night time and I had a school project to turn in the next day, I approached my mother and told her that I needed help with my project. Of course I told her that I had to turn in the project the next day, and she proceeded to scold me for waiting until the last minute to do my work, but never the less she accepted to help me. If I had asked for help when I was five, I must have asked for help later in my life, because I’m sure I’ve needed help many times, and not only from my mother but from friends, teachers, peers, strangers, and family.Why at such a young age did I ask for help? If I asked for help, then I must have known what help is. Most of us know what help it, may it be because we’ve experienced help, know the definition, or our parents taught us what help is, but what is help really? It is an act of obtaining aid from someone else, or giving aid to someone else.

    This definition is in fact my definition of help, created from what I’ve experienced, and seen in my lifetime. Although I have an idea of what help is, my definition is not what I am asking. What I ask is, what does help do? Most times, help is used in order to complete a task, answer a question, or find a resolution to a problem. This means that we request help in order to achieve something which we could not achieve. Now, what does it mean when we achieve something? When we achieve something, one can think of an achievement as leveling up in a game, or upgrading yourself. In these terms, it would mean that you utilize help to upgrade or level up in life.

    Now in order to obtain help, you need someone, therefore, you use someone in order to upgrade/level up in life. Leveling up and upgrading are two positive things that he. .f your earnings that both parties agree to, and the helper, must give a percentage of that earning to the primary source, if they are not the primary source.Some may now ask, why should I allow other to use my work if they are able to profit off of it, even if I am given proper credit? I encourage everyone to have their work out for everyone in order for it to be worked on. This helps your work be corrected or modified in order to be used in something else you didn’t think it could be used in.

    Having your work out, not only allows it to be used in several places, and give you a monetary incentive, but as well it benefits society because your work may be the foundation to solving a problem which we haven’t been able to solve, such as cancer, HIV, droughts, crop failure, etc. There are not only benefits to you, or the other person you helped, but society as a whole.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Helping Others and Receiving Help Essay. (2019, Feb 16). Retrieved from

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