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    Christian Coaching: Helping Others Turn Potential into Reality Essay

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    Gary Collins, a Christian counselor, helps individuals to comprehend their full potential using a God-centered way of coaching. He believes that, through coaching, an individual builds up a vision for their life and a desire for a good future. The book aids coaches to acquire skills that they require to help others, to emerge winners during difficult and challenging moments in their life. The book is also designed to develop Christian coaches’ in questioning, listening and responding. These can help Christian coaches to assess themselves and build up a strategy for their work.

    Collins rewrote the second edition in order to simplify his coaching methods. The second publication develops his practical skills as a new head in the world that is changing quickly, which includes how to use diverse situations, insights based on the Bible and customized forms among others.The author shows how coaching differs from counseling. To start with, Collins supposes that counseling focuses on negative psychology that includes dealing with conflicts, spiritual struggles, and emotional matters like depression, while coaching focuses on improving team-building and performance, career growth and finding fulfillment (2009). According Collins, counseling fixes what is wrong, while coaching enables individuals to reach their goals. Coaching is centered on the present and future likelihood, getting unstuck and attaining the set goals, while counseling is centered on causes of the problems that are as a result of the past, and attaining healing and stability.

    Gray Collins also focuses on how to evaluate coaching potential. The evaluation form is mending to help potential coach to make a decision on the possible success of a coaching relationship. A coac. .tify values and easily evaluate the spiritual gifts and their purposes in order to consistently build up customer’s confidence through my inspiration.In conclusion, Gary Collins, through his book, Christian coaching: Helping others turn potential into reality enables individuals to fully understand their potential through a God-centered way of coaching.

    He simplifies his coaching methods and develops his practical skills like how to use diverse situations, insights based on the Bible and customized forms in coaching people who desire to depart the past way of life, and come to live according to the will of God. Works CitedCollins, G. R. (2009). Christian coaching: Helping others turn potential into reality. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.

    Collins, G. R. (2014). Christian coaching, second edition: Helping others turn potential into reality. Tyndale House.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Christian Coaching: Helping Others Turn Potential into Reality Essay. (2019, Feb 19). Retrieved from

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