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A Personal Assessment of My Leadership Philosophy Qualities and Technical Abilities


Leadership Philosophy


Words: 1145 (5 pages)

When I first enrolled in Leadership Dynamics, I was nervous about what I would have to do as a participating student and how much public speaking would occur. Sometimes I’m still nervous when I come to class, but through every exercise and discussion that I’ve been involved in, or even just observed, there has been…

The Key Approach Towards the Future of Leadership Philosophy Development


Leadership Philosophy


Words: 586 (3 pages)

Leadership is a key component towards development in every institution. The future of leadership, which entails leadership development, is hereby a crucial segment that requires proper implementation. According to Dugan (2011), leadership development does not necessarily entail training and education. This is a progressive approach towards the expansion of skills, awareness and the capabilities of…

A Portrayal of the Horrors of Child Labor by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Child labor



Words: 1091 (5 pages)

Over 150 years later, the same situation exists. Light was not exactly shed in the problems of child labor in the mid-1800s. Soon, authors like Elizabeth Barrett Browning stepped to the forefront and raised public awareness for the deplorable conditions child laborers were subjected to. When government investigations into child labor revealed the rampant exploitation…

“Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr Essay

Artificial Intelligence




Words: 622 (3 pages)

Is there any bad influence of artificial intelligence and technology in the interaction of children? The human factor is still very important. We see artificial intelligence as a powerful tool, but without humans, those tools wouldn’t exist. Children love having friends in their social environment and parents, in the interaction of children when they have…

Foundation of Army Leadership Essay



Words: 1138 (5 pages)

Simon Sinek can explain in, Start with Why, that true leadership means having the ability to inspire people, to provide them with a purpose outside any other benefits or incentives giving people the ability to lead others with true meaning and purpose. Leaders who embrace an infinite mindset build stronger, more innovative, more inspiring organizations….

Pathos, Ethos, and Logos Essay





Words: 532 (3 pages)

Aristotle’s rhetorical triangle is his approach of speaking to different types of audiences and speeches. The three different proofs Aristotle identified was logos, pathos, and ethos. Logos is a type of approach in a speech in which the speaker uses logic and verified facts to appeal to their audience. Whenever someone speaks, facts are important because no one…

Traveling, Its Advantages and Disadvantages Essay




Words: 900 (4 pages)

As I was researching the topic of traveling, I discovered that most individuals experience changes to themselves all from just going out and exploring. Traveling can be experienced when an individual or more goes somewhere on some sort of transportation. Traveling is to explore and venture off into the world, going out of the comfort…

Teenage Pregnancy Causes and Effects Cause and Effect Essay




Sex Education

Teen Pregnancy

Words: 1360 (6 pages)

According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, in 2016, there were 20.3 births for every 1,000 adolescent females ages 15-19 or 209,809 babies born to females in this age group. Births to teens ages 15-19 account for 5.3 percent of all births in 2016. Nearly nine in ten (89 percent) of…

“Am I Blue” by Alice Walker: Analysis & Summary




Words: 505 (3 pages)

As a society, we have accomplished so much in so little time. Because of this, it is quite simple to disassociate from our own roots. In this day and age, the mere notion that our own ancestors were chimpanzees seems bewildering. However, although animals may not have the same technological advances that we have, they…

Leadership Personality Traits



Words: 1052 (5 pages)

Most psychologist have come to this conclusion that what distinguishes leaders from each other depends on their “logic of actions” which means that how they see the external world and what is their reaction when the enemy endangers their safety, property or power and has nothing to do with their traits of character or the…

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Measures of Emotional and Behavioral Functioning

Human Development in Evidence-Based Psychotherapy

Freudian Theory of Personality

What Made Me Learn Something about Myself

Theory of Motivational: Context and Process Theories

The Human’s Willingness to Adapt Changes as the Object of One’s Curiosity

The Hopelessness of Nabokov and Real Life of Sebastian Knight

The Construction of a Perfect Plot

Talent: The Concept of “Talent” and the Themes It Reflects

Psychotherapy from Socioeconomic Perspective

Positive Psychology’s Influence on the Self

Piaget’s Child Development Theory

Need for Award – is a Key to Motivation

Motivation and Engagement: Types of Motivation and Its Impact on Productivity

Marketing an Indie Film Using Critical and Creative Thinking

Freud’s “Anna O” and The Meaning of Private Theater

Female Experience and Feminism: Correlation

Family Support and Family Psychoeducational Models

Erikson’s Ego Integrity Vs Despair in Film Still Alice

Defining and Measuring of Human Intelligence

Why the Theories Matter in Child and Family Health Practice

Using Passive and Active Voice

Understanding Human Psychology: Brain Stimulation

Understanding Child Developmental Milestones

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